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2 In Class Activity - Structural Shapes; building a settlement
Divide the class into 6 tribes. The tribe should be composed of at least 1 member who have seen videos 1 – 7. The Task: To create a model using the materials found in the plastic container that will allow the inhabitants to survive (not go hungry and thirsty and hopefully prosper (create a throne and build an empire) through the structure/spaces that will be provided by your tribe. Your tribe must be able to satisfy what Maslow described in his pyramidal chart the hierarchy of needs for men. You cannot build an empire if you have not satisfied the physiological needs of your tribe at the bottom of the structure! This should take about of 20 minutes.

3 You have 20 minutes to build an empire
Tribe 1 Your tribe is on a land were there are two rivers. These rivers flood and the flooding is unpredictable There are no natural barriers that can protect your tribe from enemies You have other tribes living in the same area near the two rivers It is vital that you establish a trading post to promote peace among the tribes Your tribe has a limited supply of natural resources for making tools or buildings The land is mainly made out of sand dunes and it can get very hot during the dry season You believe How will your tribe survive and prosper? Will it be game of hunger or a game of throne? This should take about of 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to build an empire

4 You have 20 minutes to build an empire
Tribe 2 Your tribe is on a land were there is a river which flood in a very predictable manner. The flooding’s height can vary from really high waters to a shallow river. This can spell the difference between feast or famine Your tribe is able to use the river as a means of transportation linking all the other tribes along the river banks On one side of your location lies a desert which can serve as a natural barrier against enemy attack. You do not have wood for construction but have an abundant source of limestone and rocks. You believe that there is life after death and that the tribe should prepare for the eventual return of the dead. How will your tribe survive and prosper? Will it be game of hunger or a game of throne? This should take about of 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to build an empire

5 You have 20 minutes to build an empire
Tribe 3 Your tribe is on a land were there is a river flowing. This river floods and the flooding is unpredictable You will experience harsh monsoon winds that you need to protect your people from There are Mountains and deserts in your location which can serve as natural barriers against enemy attack You believe that you should make burnt offerings to the gods who can be found in high places As a leader, you want order and you do this by imposing rules to the tribe How will your tribe survive and prosper? Will it be game of hunger or a game of throne? This should take about of 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to build an empire

6 You have 20 minutes to build an empire
Tribe 4 Your tribe is located between two rivers that are miles apart. These rivers flood and the flooding is unpredictable. There are Mountains and deserts in your location which can serve as natural barriers against enemy attack It is difficult to make contact with other tribes since your location is geographically isolated from other the other tribes but you do get attacked every ones in a while. You have abundance of mud and wood Your tribe believe that the group is more important than the individual specially your family ancestry. How will your tribe survive and prosper? Will it be game of hunger or a game of throne? This should take about of 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to build an empire

7 You have 20 minutes to build an empire
Tribe 5 Your tribe is located by the sea which faces the sunrise There are a lot of mountainous regions as well as flat plains It is difficult to make contact with other tribes since your location is geographically isolated from the other tribes. You believe in tracking the sun’s path to predict the seasons. Likewise your tribe believe in making sacrifices to the gods for good fortune How will your tribe survive and prosper? Will it be game of hunger or a game of throne? This should take about of 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to build an empire

8 You have 20 minutes to build an empire
Tribe 6 Your tribe is located in a a great span of flat land. Most of the region is dry Your tribe follow the herds and plant a variety of corn types for food How will your tribe survive and prosper? Will it be game of hunger or a game of throne? This should take about of 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to build an empire

9 Take Away Historically, there were two types of construction: frame + skin bricks/block Architecture is the art and science of building spaces for use in rituals Human built using found materials in their environment We were hunters and gatherers and our shelter was portable then We started to farm and domesticate animals and slowly started to settle Early civilization started beside rivers due to our need for irrigation and drinking water We observed the celestial bodies and built What else?

10 In building Be mindful that

11 Are there architectural solutions to these problems?
Take Away Building settlements and communities is great but building is also a great contributor to the many issues we face today. Here is a couple 1. The great pacific garbage patch and 2. The Icelandic glacier melting. We need to learn where we took the wrong turn and possibly clean up the mess we are making and reverse the changes we are experiencing in our climate. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch PSA As students of architecture, we challenge you to think about current issues that we face and maybe provide some solutions to these problems Are there architectural solutions to these problems? Something to think about! Icelandic Glacier Melting - Solheimajokull

12 In Class Activity 2 - Structural Shapes; building a settlement
Individual submission Submit a short reflection on What you have learned during this class. Add pictures of your settlement. Place this in the assignment link for in-class activity 2 Write about what you have learned How did they build their structures? What materials did they use? How did they try to adapt to the environment? What type of functional spaces did they provide for? Who were involved in the construction of this structures What kind of expression of forms did they articulate? Other questions? Write down how you think you can apply what you have learned from this topic. Write questions that you may have about the topic Write a conclusion and recommendation about what you have just learned., This should take about of 20 minutes.

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