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Who will you invite?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who will you invite?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who will you invite?





6 What about you?

7 “Folly (or foolishness) is bound up in the heart of a child….”
Prov 22:15a (NIV) “Folly (or foolishness) is bound up in the heart of a child….”

8 Rebellion is knowing what God wants me to do and refusing to do it.

9 Their rebellious baditude extended their short trip into a life-long journey and for some, a death sentence.

10 Who were Korah, Dathin and Abiram?

11 Rebellion is like spiritual AIDS, it can spread rapidly and infect many people around us.

12 Censer: a container in which incense is burned, typically during a religious ceremony.

13 Rebellion is knowing, but not doing
Rebellion is knowing, but not doing. Rebellion says, “I know I should-but I won’t, because I know better than you!”

14 God will not tolerate rebellion against Him
God will not tolerate rebellion against Him. If we choose to rebel, we better pack a lunch, because we may spend our entire lives in the wilderness.


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