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Introduction to ModelSim Implementing Sequential

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1 Introduction to ModelSim Implementing Sequential
ECE 448: Lab 2 Introduction to ModelSim HDL Simulator Implementing Sequential Logic in VHDL ECE 448 – FPGA and ASIC Design with VHDL George Mason University 1

2 Introduction to ModelSim HDL Simulator
Example: MLU

3 MLU Block Diagram A MUX_4_1 NEG_A Y NEG_Y B L1 L0 NEG_B MUX_0 A1 Y1

4 Experiment 2 Part 1 Debouncing Circuit

5 Single Switch/Push Button

6 Switch Key Bouncing key bounce, tBOUNCE key bounce, tBOUNCE
typically, tBOUNCE < 10 ms

7 Key Debouncing key bounce, tBOUNCE key bounce, tBOUNCE
typically, tBOUNCE < 10 ms debouncing period output = last input sampled = 0 debouncing period output = last input sampled = 1

8 Key Debouncing input output DD clock cycles DD clock cycles


10 Experiment 2 Part 2 PicoBlaze

11 PicoBlaze Overview 11

12 In this Experiment implement:
Register File (including input and output interface) Program Counter 1K x 18 Instruction PROM Status flag registers (Zero and Carry) Input and Output Ports (including PORT_ID) Clk and Reset inputs AND Group 4: Data Transfer Instructions:  LOAD  Group 5: Input/Output Instructions:   INPUT, OUTPUT Group 6: Unconditional Jump:         JUMP aaa; Group 7: Conditional Jumps:           JUMP C/NC/Z/NZ aaa + COMPARE (from modified Group 1)

13 Register File of PicoBlaze
1 7 Address 16 Registers 8-bit F s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 Register File of PicoBlaze 2 3 4 5 6 7 sF Separate registers, no memory!!! How to read from a specific register and write to a specific register?

14 Example of Instruction PROM (1)
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all; ENTITY instruction_rom IS GENERIC ( w : INTEGER := 16; n : INTEGER := 32; m : INTEGER := 5); PORT ( Instr_addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(m-1 DOWNTO 0); Instr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(w-1 DOWNTO 0) ); END instruction_rom;

15 Example of Instruction PROM (2)
ARCHITECTURE ins_rom OF insstruction_rom IS SIGNAL temp: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO n-1; TYPE vector_array IS ARRAY (0 to n-1) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(w-1 DOWNTO 0); CONSTANT memory : vector_array := ( X"0650", X"00B0", X"D459", X "672F"); BEGIN temp <= conv_integer(unsigned(Instr_addr)); Instr <= memory(temp); END instruction_rom;

16 LOAD and JUMP Instructions
LOAD sX, sY sX <= sY LOAD sX, kk sX <= kk LOAD commanads do not affect C, Z flags JUMP aaa PC <= aaa JUMP C, aaa if CARRY=1 then JUMP NC, aaa if CARRY=0 then JUMP Z, aaa if ZERO=1 then JUMP NZ, aaa if ZERO=0 then JMP commands do not affect C, Z flags 16

17 Input/Output Instructions
INPUT sX, (sY)‏ (IN sX, sY)‏ PORT_ID <= sY sX <= IN_PORT INPUT sX, pp (IN sX, pp)‏ PORT_ID <= pp INPUT commanads do not affect C, Z flags Output OUTPUT sX, (sY)‏ (OUT sX, sY)‏ PORT_ID <= sY OUT_PORT <=sX OUTPUT sX, pp (OUT sX, pp)‏ PORT_ID <= pp OUTPUT commanads do not affect C, Z flags 17

18 PicoBlaze ALU Instruction Set Summary‏
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ADD sX, kk x y ADD sX, sY k ADDCY sX, kk ADDCY sX, sY AND sX, kk AND sX, sY COMPARE sX, kk COMPARE sX, sY FETCH sX, ss s FETCH sX, (sY)‏ INPUT sX, (sY)‏ INPUT sX, PP p LOAD sX, kk LOAD sX, sY OR sX, kk OR sX, sY OUTPUT sX, (sY)‏ OUTPUT sX, PP 18

19 Multiplication of two 4-bit unsigned binary numbers in dot notation

20 Multiplication of two 4-bit unsigned
Example x __________ ______________

21 4x4 unsigned multiplication PicoBlaze assembly language
0x000 INPUT S0, 0 0x001 INPUT S1, 1 0x002 LOAD S2, 0 0x003 COMPARE S1, 0 0x004 JUMP Z, 0x00A 0x005 SR0 S1 0x006 JUMP NC, 0x008 0x007 ADD S2, S0 0x008 SL0 S0 0x009 JUMP 0x003 0x00A OUTPUT S2, 2 0x00B JUMP x00B

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