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The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century

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1 The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century
Philippe Lempp

2 From "renewables 2004“ to REN21 (1)
Political Declaration of the “International Conference for Renewable Energies” Paragraph 9: “Ministers and Government representatives agree to work within a “global policy network” together with representatives from parliaments, local and regional authorities, the private sector, international institutions, international industry associations, consumers, civil society, women’s groups, and relevant partnerships worldwide”. Philippe Lempp

3 From "renewables 2004“ to REN21 (2)
June 2005: 1 year after “renewables 2004” conference, REN21 is launched at the second meeting of its Steering Committee in Copenhagen Philippe Lempp

4 Mission Statement and Goals
REN21 - providing international leadership for the rapid expansion of renewable energy in developing and industrial countries – based on the cooperation of stakeholders from the energy, development and environment sectors. The overarching goal of REN21 is the promotion of policies that will increase the wise use of renewable energy worldwide. In order to achieve this objective, REN21 encourages action in three areas: Policy, Advocacy, and Exchange. Philippe Lempp

5 Policy: Showcasing Successes
Convene key leaders and stakeholders in national legislation and international processes: CSD 14/15, G8, UNFCCC… Encourage political support for the strengthening of regulatory environments, market structures and financing environment for the accelerated use of RE Encourage governments and other stakeholders to make and meet commitments to RE (JPOI, International Action Programme of the renewables 2004 conference) Philippe Lempp

6 Advocacy: Highlighting Benefits
RE as a critical component of strategies to increase access to energy services and alleviate poverty address climate change improve energy security Quality issue papers: Renewables 2005: Global Status Report, launched in Nov 2005 in Beijing RE and the Millennium Development Goals, launched in September 2005 in New York Changing Climates: the role of RE, launched in Dubai in February 2006 Philippe Lempp

7 Exchange: Promoting Knowledge Flow
Promote knowledge generation and exchange on renewable energy market and policy developments, by bringing together capable organisations and individuals. Reegle Information Gateway: project done in cooperation with the REEEP Partnership. Philippe Lempp

8 APPENDIX Philippe Lempp

9 Philippe Lempp

10 SC: Governments Mr Paulo José Chiarelli Vicente de Azevedo (Brazil)
Mr Li Junfeng (China) Mr Thomas Becker (Denmark) Mr Artur Runge-Metzger (European Commission) Mr Michael Hofmann (Germany) Ms Amal Haddouche (Morocco) Mr Ton van der Zon (Netherlands) Mr Paul Mubiru (Uganda) Mr Sultan Al Jaber (United Arab Emirates) Ms Jackie Jones (United Kingdom) Mr Griffin Thompson (United States) Philippe Lempp

11 SC: Intergov. Organisations & NGOs
Mr Neil Hirst (IEA) Mr Richard Hosier (GEF) Ms Olav Kjørven (UNDP) Mr Mark Radka (UNEP) Mr Jamal Saghir (World Bank) Mr Stephen Karekezi (AFREPREN) Ms Jennifer Morgan (WWF) Mr Wolfgang Palz (WCRE) Mr Steve Sawyer (Greenpeace) Mr Ibrahim Togola (Mali Folkecenter/ CURES Network) Philippe Lempp

12 SC: Industry & Finance Mr Michael Eckhart (ACORE) Mr Peter Rae (WWEA)
Mr Arthouros Zervos (EREC/GWEC) Mr Richard Burrett (ABN AMRO) Mr James Cameron (Climate Change Capital) Philippe Lempp

13 SC: Regional & Local Governments + Members at large
Mr Ernst-Christoph Stolper (Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development) NN (United Cities and Local Governments) Mr Mohamed El-Ashry (UN Foundation) Mr David Hales (Worldwatch Institute, USA) Mr Rajendra Pachauri (TERI, India) Ms Virginia Sonntag-O’Brien (Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy) Philippe Lempp

14 Secretariat Contact REN21 Secretariat
Tour Mirabeau • 39/43 quai André Citroën 75739 Paris Cedex 15 Phone Fax Philippe Lempp

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