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What’s New at XAP? June 22, 2010 Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New at XAP? June 22, 2010 Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New at XAP? June 22, 2010 Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation

2 What’s New at XAP Agenda New Logo & Corporate Website Solution Team
Initiatives for 2010 Partnerships Questions & Answers


4 Solutions Organization
VP of Solutions & 4 Market Directors State/Federal – Judy & Judy Kowarsky K-12 – Lori Wood Postsecondary – Ron Gaskins Adult / Workforce – Don Phillips Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation


6 Solutions Group Mission Statement
The XAP Solutions Group will identify, articulate and deliver market-driven products, services and strategies through systematic analysis and business processes that will foster a culture of collaboration across all XAP departments to generate new and sustainable revenue.

7 Solutions Group Framework
What is it? What does it mean for you?

8 Solutions Group Framework
Market Needs Market Funding Potential Market Definition Business Plan - ROI Positioning Marketing Plan Win/ Loss Analysis Sales Channel Strategy Buy, Build, or Partner Buying Process Customer Acquisition Distinctive Competence Solution Map Pricing Buyer Personas Customer Retention Competitive Landscape Innovation Product Profitability User Personas Program Effectiveness MARKET STRATEGY BUSINESS PLANNING PROGRAMS READINESS SUPPORT Technology Assessment Product Roadmap Feature Brief & BRD Approval Launch Plan Sales Process Presentations & Demos Use Scenarios Thought Leadership Collateral ‘ Special’ Calls Status Dashboard Lead Generation Sales Tools Event Support Referrals &References Sales Channel Training Sales Channel Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation

9 Market Needs Discover needs in the market by interviewing customers, recent evaluators, and untapped, potential customers. Validate urgent problems to show their pervasiveness in the market. Leverage existing research that has already been complete within the organization or external sources. Ownership: Solutions Group Execution: Market Director Tasks: Keep market research (conferences, internal client conference, client visits, advisory groups). Maintaining documentation of competitors, gap analysis between current solutions and market needs, etc. Belonging to professional affiliations. Staying current by monitoring newsletters, websites, blogs. Interviewing sales and support staff. Provide market summaries of usage, trends, accounts, etc. KPI by different clients and their implementation strategies.

10 Product Roadmap Illustrate the visions and key phrases of deliverables for the product. The roadmap is a plan, not a commitment. Ownership: Solutions Group Execution: Market Directors Tasks: Consolidate input and validation from all market sources (clients, staff, stakeholders). Owner of the list of suggestions and requests from all sources. Create and update product roadmap for each product. More specificity for near term; less specific for longer term. Rolling task. Differentiate between customization requests and best practices. If possible, try to develop customizations as best practices. Use configuration to deliver specific solutions that satisfy local needs but can also satisfy needs in other markets or geographies.

11 Buy, Build or Partner Determine the most effective way to deliver a complete solution to an identified market problem. Where you have gaps in your offering, analyze whether to buy, build or partner to complete the solution for your market. Ownership: Solutions Group with input from IT Execution: Market Directors with inside and outside resources Tasks: Identify potential solutions not currently available from Xap that satisfying a market need. Look at partnering first; before we buy or build. Consider integration opportunities. Develop a quick litmus test. Includes: Needs satisfied? Cost effective? Profitable? Experience and market presence of potential partner? Time to market? Done in conjunction with a business plan..

12 Feature Brief & BRD Approval
Regardless of whether we buy, build or partner, a Feature Brief and BRD is required to help define the “what.” A formal approval process is required. Ownership: Business Analysts in conjunction with Solutions Group Execution: Business Analysts and Solutions Group Tasks: Step 1 – Create a Feature Brief (CSL, Sales or Market Director) Step 2 – BRD created Step 3 – BRD approved (Solutions Group owns) Step 4 – Product Review Committee sets priorities Step 5 - Set release

13 Launch Plan Ensure that all departments are prepared for new product releases and all items are completed to launch the product externally. Ownership: Solutions Group Execution: Market Directors Tasks: Create and execute launch plan for every new product or program (using standard launch plan). Re-launching should follow same process. Process should be followed with both internal solutions and partnerships.

14 Business Requirement Document (BRD)
Market Needs by Market Client Needs Prospect Needs Client Success Leader Market Director Sales Feature Brief Business Requirement Document (BRD)

15 Program Development Team
BRD Solutions Team PMO Product Review Team Program Development Team

16 Portfolio Prioritization
Next Product Release Improvements Enhancements Future Customizations

17 Product Roadmap BRD Feature Briefs Product Release New Product
Customization BRD New Functionality Enhancements Improvements Feature Briefs Client Requests Market Needs

18 Prioritization & Effort
Sample: Transitions 4.0 August 1 Release April 15 – August 1 Client Communication March 15 Prioritization & Effort Determine Release February 15 BRD Determine effort January 15 Feature Briefs Feedback to Client December 15 Client Requests Market Needs

19 XAP Products Mentor Applications and Transcripts Transitions
K- 6 Students Middle School Students High School Students Postsecondary Students Adults in the Workforce Career awareness Career exploration, high school planning Career planning, postsecondary planning Career planning, postsecondary planning, job resources Career planning, job search, education and skill enhancement planning Paws in Jobland Choices Explorer Choices Planner Choices CT TestPrep College Scope Strengths for Success Mentor Applications and Transcripts Transitions Assessments Report Central

20 New Transition Portals What’ Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation

21 Benefits - Portal More robust and flexible
More control over the content Contemporary design Version control Develop object oriented components Greater degree of control over security Easier to develop web services C# a much more robust programming language than ASP Developing in a much more object oriented manner .Net framework is more robust than classic ASP More secure , much greater degree control over security More options are available on configuration and secure the architecture Enables Xap to use version control and infinitely better from a change management perspective .Net 3.5 framework has a pretty robust set of ajax functionality and controls that is already built in and embedded that will not require Xap to develop them. Xap is a Microsoft shop, we use the Microsoft family of products because they fit very well. Using 3.5 .Net framework Classic ASP is no longer evolving and it is stagnant and was replaced by ASP .net and this allows CSU will be able to take advantage of the new features that we will be rolling out that are dependent on .net Database and data models Easier for collaboration Much easier to develop web services Classic asp does not have the facilities that .Net has that allow us to Parts of the portal are seasonal Features campuses at different times Different content for different audiences

22 Transitions 3.0 Release Content block editor
System definition of transcripts feature availability Account name and password retrieval processes New Professional Center account type to control access to transcript features Export to Excel for Professional Center reports Enhancements to parent account connections to student portfolios Enhancements to parent sign off of student plans (Professional Center) Batch account creation enhancements (Professional Center) Technology and infrastructure upgrades

23 National Application Center Outreach & adoption for clients
Choices portfolio pre-populating the application New partnerships New sales – new pricing Standard Enhanced Custom Portal Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation

24 New Application Architecture
Keeps existing schema Allows comprehensive tools (Control Center) to stay in service. Provides (even) better user experience Separates application user experience from reporting/downloads Allows for multiple versions, versioning and content management Keeping the existing schema provides the base for existing tools continued operation When and application is started and until the point of submitting the application, data is stored as a unit This provides very fast interactions on the site and isolation of the data sets – pre and post application The new design provides a description of the application – so the business logic is separated from the description, this enables us to use versioning and testable version on the same system Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation

25 Rebuild the online admission application with a greater emphasis on user experience
Rebuild from the ground up to take advantage of modern design best practices such as the use of lightboxes etc. We lock out screens and there is more potential for data error Getting rid of skip screens and making it more dynamic It will enhance compliance with 508 standards as well, which will be demonstrated by Alyse. Closest thing to CSS/HTML is the account creation and Xap’s employment application form. How long will this take to complete? It’s the core service It will improve the performance even more

26 Benefits – Online Application
More efficient Provides greater design flexibility Contemporary design Enhances the user experience Seamless transition for campuses Cost effective CSS

27 eTranscripts National
Based on eTranscript California PESC award Only system that is format independent PESC XML Standards eTranscript STATE College to College High School to College Seeking partnerships College to College articulation

28 Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council
Three eTranscript Awards in two years Georgia eTranscripts California Board Member Co-Chair of ePortfolio Workgroup Member of EdUnify Workgroup

29 The Value of Report Central
Access To Relevant Reports Authorized users access reports in accordance with their roles and responsibilities Data on demand as clients generate standard reports with criteria and filter controls Retrieve saved reports Output options: PDF, Word & Excel Clients Generate Reports We invested in new technology to answer the call for aggregate reports to guide program implementation, maximize efficiencies and yield accountability information. As promised, Report Central is now in place for Choices and Transitions program usage and outcome reports. As of this week we have a new component for customers – Choices, Mentor & Transitions customers can build summary reports about applications and transcripts processed. Clients say they value their ability to: 1) Set the system to control who accesses various reports based on their roles and responsibilities 2) Quickly generate reports and save those reports for later use 3) Produce output formatted for publications, presentations or manipulation in Excel 4) Design summaries to meet sponsors’ unique program monitoring and accounting needs; whether that means summaries for geographic regions, by program funding source or other population characteristics. Sponsors are able to monitor usage patterns across sites to determine where they need to invest training and marketing resources, identify best practices and take inventory of goals accomplished. Unlike current reporting tools that summarize usage information by site, Sponsors and administrators can choose from an array of setup parameters to tailor the reporting system to meet the needs of staff at various levels or agencies such as State Department of Education, Consortiums and School Districts. This critical infrastructure paves the way for additional reports using Xap data or Xap data in combination with local client information. Certain clients may want us to merge their SIS information with our to generate reports that draw on data from both sources. Keep in mind that existing reporting tools are not disappearing. We are building around those products and supplementing them. All of the reports in Report Central are aggregate reports – this is not a system for accessing individual profile information. Sponsors Set Up Parameters Tailor aggregate summaries to meet Monitoring & program accountability needs Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation

30 Partnerships CollegeWeekLive Dynamic WebPrint MappingYourFuture
Seeking partnerships Media graphics Communications Social Media Additions to eTranscript offering CRM Confidential. Not for distribution or duplication without prior consent from Xap Corporation. © 2010 Xap Corporation

31 Questions & Answers

32 Let’s continue to work together!

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