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TR and the Progressive Era

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Presentation on theme: "TR and the Progressive Era"— Presentation transcript:

1 TR and the Progressive Era

2 Wimpy Asthmatic Kid Born 1858

3 Mr. Jock

4 Hah vard

5 N.Y State Legislator

6 Cowboy Teddy,

7 Civil Servant, 1889-1898 Civil Service Commissioner
NYC Police Commissioner Asst. Sec. of the Navy

8 War Hero,

9 Governor of New York

10 1900 VP

11 Leon Czolgosz

12 Mr. President

13 “The Bully Pulpit”

14 “MY Policies” Northern Securities Case, 1901
Anthracite Coal Strike, 1902 Railway Regulation (Elkins &Hepburn Acts) Consumer Protection (Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act) Conservation Program

15 Chicago Stockyards

16 TR’s Trust Policies

17 Commerce Department's Bureau of Corporations Chief George Cotelyou

18 “Square Deal”

19 With John Muir at Yosemite

20 Gifford Pinchot, National Forrester

21 Public Confidence

22 Election of 1904


24 Tennessee Iron and Coal Company Acquisition
Panic of 1907 Tennessee Iron and Coal Company Acquisition

25 In His Own Image?

26 A Really BIG Mistake?

27 1908 Handpicked

28 Please, Not Again





33 Taft’s Policies Payne-Aldrich Tariff: Winona Speech
Speacker of the House Fight: “Uncle Joe’ Cannon versus “The Insurgents” Anti-Trust: Tennessee Iron and Coal Case Conservation : Ballinger – Pinchot Controversy

34 Governor-General of the Philippines


36 The New Ted “New Nationalism” Progressive Party (aka ‘Bull moose”)
Women’s Suffrage Child Labor Laws Direct Election of Senators Lower Tariff

37 “We stand at Armageddon and do battle for the Lord
“We stand at Armageddon and do battle for the Lord!” TR, 1912 Progressive Convention

38 The Ghost of 1904

39 Plus a Weirdo, John Schrank in Milwaukee
Wm McK “This is my murderer. Avenge my death.”

40 Woodrow the Wimp

41 Woodrow Wilson’s “New Freedom”


43 A BIG Thank You , Mr. Taft

44 Mark Twain on TR We are insane, each in our own way, and with insanity goes irresponsibility. Theodore the man is sane; in fairness we ought to keep in mind that Theodore, as statesman and politician, is insane and irresponsible.

45 Teddy the Great?

46 Ted Dead

47 Panamanian “Revolution?”

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