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September 2016 University touchtennis Alan Mezzetti LTA Products Manager 07971 141325.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2016 University touchtennis Alan Mezzetti LTA Products Manager 07971 141325."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2016 University touchtennis Alan Mezzetti LTA Products Manager

2 Outcomes of today… Understanding what touchtennis is and what it isn’t. The rules of the game The differences between short, mini and touch Some ideas on what a touchtennis session looks like and how to run one Signing up your Uni as a venue & using the ladder system on A chance to ask any questions

3 Let’s get battling…

4 © BAE Systems Detica 2012 Company Confidential
Strategy Context On Court What is it? Next steps © BAE Systems Detica Company Confidential 17/11/2018

5 This is touchtennis… Promotional Video

6 How would you explain what touchtennis is to someone else?

7 “Easy to pick up…impossible to put down”
“A Leveller” “The 5 a side or T20 of tennis” “Easy to pick up…impossible to put down”

8 touchtennis in numbers…
23 Countries 17,100 Twitter following 45 Sponsored Players 6000+ Facebook Page likes 80+ FE / HE Venues 10,000 Players 850+ Calories burned per hour by tour players 84 Leisure Centres 320,000+ You tube video views More people playing more often

9 Who’s supporting the tour?

10 Q. How does touchtennis differ from Short and Mini?

11 Audience and brand reach (16+) Ethos
Tour Audience and brand reach (16+) Ethos Court markings (Singles & Doubles) Equipment (BALL) / Racquet) Rules Tour – 8 major brand sponsors / 60 sponsored players / World Rankings / Prize Money

12 touchtennis should always look attractive to adults, so avoiding bright colour courts and racquets etc is key. Kids will always want to copy what adults do, adults won’t recipricate.

13 What are the rules?

14 Rules…(official ones that is)
· Tennis scoring but ‘sudden death on every deuce point’ with receiver to choose side · Serving = overarm or underarm and the serve may not be volleyed back by the returner. One serve only · ‘If you throw it you must hit it’ On throwing the ball up to serve, the server must hit it – letting it drop/catching it will result in loss of point. · Sets are to 4 games, must win by 2 clear. If the score is 4-4, a tie break to 5 points will take place. · No let rule – if the ball clips the net and lands in correct service box, the ball counts as ‘in play’.

15 Wrap up Next steps

16 Website and Ladders…

17 Next steps… Are you up for it? (like touchtennis & play touchtennis facebook pages) Read the resource & Use promo materials 3. Prepare for your session (Nets ? Racquets? Balls? Is venue booked?) Promote your session – twitter / facebook Run a taster event / session to get the ball rolling

18 Website: f: touchtennis / play touchtennis Save the date: Varsity Event – Sat 3 December, London

19 Appendix



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