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Let’s get ready to ARGUE!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s get ready to ARGUE!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s get ready to ARGUE!!!!
In the late 1700s, the government was a ______________________. Each ________ Had its own _________________. Some States even came close to making _______ On each other! The debate on how to solve This feud between states centered on two Groups. Those who believed the U.S. should Have a strong ____________________, and Those who __________ a strong _________________________________. This led to… Confederation state gov’t war Federal gov’t feared Federal gov’t

2 The Rumble in the Constitutional

3 In this corner… F E D R A L I S T Strong federal gov’t
A federalists was someone who wanted a ____________________________. Some famous Federalists were…. ______________________________ _____________________________ Remember, Hamilton…he’s gonna throw some strong states-right jabs at you! Counter it with Checks and Balances! Alexander Hamilton John Jay James Madison

4 In this corner… A N F T E I D - R A L I S T Feared a federal gov’t
An Anti-federalists was someone who _________________________________. Some famous Anti-Federalists were… __________________________ _______________________ Patrick Henry Tommy, listen up! This Fed wants to throw checks and balances at you early. Hit ‘em with the Bill of Rights! Thomas Jefferson

5 Anti-Federalist argument…
POW! revise Would be safer to ___________ the Articles of Confederation. Wanted to protect the rights of ______________ Felt a powerful national government Couldn’t be ____________________ By the states. Government would rule people just like the _____________ of ______________. citizens controlled King England

6 Ought to exist without limitations
Federalist argument… CRACK! gave it (Articles) National government could only have powers that the state _________________. Wanted to get rid of __________________________ Wanted a strong _____________________________ Hamilton said the federal gov’t “ ____________________________________________________________” Articles National gov’t Ought to exist without limitations

7 Round 10…The Federalists go down With a quick right hand shot!!
Anti-Federalists propose a __________ _____ ____________ in order to protect the rights of _______ and of ______________. Bill Of Rights states citizens

8 Round 12…The Federalists
Answer back! checks A strong government can be controlled with a system of __________ and ____________. The national government would be divided into _________ areas: __________________, ___________________, and the ________________________. balances Legislative 3 Judicial Executive branches

9 TIE! And the winner is… Federalists gov’t The Articles nation
Jefferson Hamilton TIE! Federalists Both sides come out winners! The ___________________________ get rid of __________________________ and get a new ________________________ which gave more power to the _________________.The ___________________, on the other hand, got to add the ____________________________________, which protected the basic rights of the __________________________________ gov’t The Articles nation Anti- federalists Bill of Rights citizens

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