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Constitutional Convention

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1 Constitutional Convention
Notes 1-4


3 Constitutional Convention
Articles of Confederation: America’s first national government ( ) Federal Gov’t was too weak to survive

4 Weaknesses of the Articles
All 13 states have to agree to decisions States decide if they want to contribute money to Federal Gov’t Can’t draft soldiers Can’t tax citizens to pay for an army

5 Prominent Delegates George Washington Alexander Hamilton Ben Franklin
James Madison

6 Constitutional Convention
James Madison: “Father of the Constitution”

7 Constitutional Convention
Virginia Plan Favors strong Federal GOVT Supported by states with largest populations Representation: Based on Population

8 Constitutional Convention
2. New Jersey Plan Favors 13 strong States Supported by states with small populations Representation: Equal for all states


10 Constitutional Convention
3. The Great Compromise Strong National GOVT Congress (Legislative Branch) 1. Senate – equal representation 2. House of Representatives – representation based on state’s population President (Executive Branch) Supreme Court (Judicial Branch) Senate choosen by State Legislatures House of Reps choosen by People

11 Constitutional Convention
4. Three-Fifths Compromise “Curse on the U.S. Constitution” Are black slaves property or people? Count slaves as 3/5’s of a person for representation States must pay taxes on 3/5’s of slaves Madison tries to get rid of slavery but fails Southern economy tied to slavery

12 Three-Fifths Compromise

13 Constitutional Convention
5. Economic Compromise Slave Trade ends in 1808 Congress could not tax exports Treaties must be approved by 2/3 vote of the Senate

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