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PRTR in Belgium Situation in 2007 « OECD PRTR Task Force 10th meeting » Copenhagen,27 february 2007 Greet Vos, Koen Smeets & Michel Amand.

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Presentation on theme: "PRTR in Belgium Situation in 2007 « OECD PRTR Task Force 10th meeting » Copenhagen,27 february 2007 Greet Vos, Koen Smeets & Michel Amand."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRTR in Belgium Situation in 2007 « OECD PRTR Task Force 10th meeting » Copenhagen,27 february 2007 Greet Vos, Koen Smeets & Michel Amand

2 Content of the presentation n International and European Context Context in BELGIUM n Objectives and scope n Examples – in Flanders – in Wallonia n PRTR datas on the web n Conclusions

3 International and European Context Many International and European obligations in the environmental field (including PRTR) A variety of monitoring and reporting duties for the Member States (that so far have not been harmonised at international and European level) Member States seek to devise efficient systems that facilitate the compliance with the various monitoring and reporting duties

4 Context in Belgium n In 2003 : Lower the administrative burden by streamlining regulatory requirements for companies and using IT tools becomes a priority for Belgian authorities (regional cooperation agreement signed on 10th December 2003) n In 2004, Belgian Regions reaffirm their desire and commitment to build an administrative simplification process at all levels (ex : environment, industrial policy, …) => development of specific regional tools

5 Integrated environmental Reporting Walloon Region REGINE Référentiel Environnement : Gestion INtégrée des Entreprises Flemish Region IMJV Integraal Milieu Jaar Verslag a tool for implementing PRTR by lowering administrative burdens and streamlining environmental regulatory requirements

6 Objectives n Streamlining by lowering the burdens both for companies and the administration in the field of environmental data collection and reporting n Facing many different reporting obligations at regional, federal, European and international level n Evaluating the effectiveness of regional environmental policies n Implement PRTRs

7 Objectives n Building one-stop shop (paper and electronic) applying IT-based solutions and integration techniques n Increasing information exchange between governmental bodies, optimizing information management and by improving its availability n Administrations will benefit from a single and centralised information and will reduce the data encoding work. => Save time and money

8 Scope Integration of different information requirements in one form, available on the web (personal login, personal form, attached documents, etc) Form set up within the framework of streamlining environmental regulation and ensuring coherence of collected information

9 Scope Single deliverance (once per year) of information to one administration (single and centralized source of information) Common database with information on companies/facilities + single identifier New central management application Different governmental services work together

10 Flemish region: the IMJV-project stepwise integration project: started in 2005 Improving information management to support environmental policy (cooperation between administrations) Better customer service By: Integration of five different environmental information requirements (to different administrations) in one form single deliverance (one point of time) of information to one administration Tailor made and personalized declaration form (for every company/exploitation) Interactive website to exchange information (personal login, wizards, electronic signature)

11 Flemish Region: IMJV-project The interactive website



14 Flemish region: the IMJV-project ERW DB EIL DB Emission-Inventory Air IMJV-backoffice VMM Datawarehouse reporting Emission Registers Water Data assimilation validation Waste DB OVAM Waste database IMJV DB e-IMJV Form INFO- e-Office CBB DB MVDB DB Consultation (geo-office) Facilities Environmental permit Releases water & air Transfer of waste & wastewater MMIS Centralised db for facilities IMJV-databaseEnvironmental permits webservice

15 Integraal Milieu Jaar Verslag Integrated Environmental Annual Report reporting year 2005 sent formsreceived forms electronic forms totaal17.04515.34190%1.72411% Releases to air36033192%12939% Energie60352587%20439% Releases to water65158690%41070% Groundwater69655079%8816% Waste production14.04710.81677%1.54214% Waste transport2.2551.44364%30721% Waste treatment1.6771.07364%24623%

16 Integraal Milieu Jaar Verslag Integrated Environmental Annual Report Form 2006 n Information linked to environmental license (water & air emissions, use of energie & water) n Production, treatment and transport of (industrial) waste n Groundwater statistics concerning groundwater subtraction Later integration n Tax declaration of waste water treatment (surface water) and substraction of ground water n Declaration of CO2 emissions # companies 800 700 16.000 17.000 180

17 Integraal Milieu Jaar Verslag : Integrated Environmental Annual Report procedures an deadlines Administration : 1 december year x : completing list of facilities with reporting obligation 1 february year x+1 : personalised and pre-filled form available online Operator : 15 march y x+1: declaration waste production year x 30 april y x+1: declaration on remaining data and informations (methodologies,…) year x Administration : 15 may : reminder for missing reports till 31 december : assesment and quality assurance Validated data to be published, submitted to operators for final 31 march year X+2 : requested data transmitted to the European commission

18 The IMJV-project: measuring administrative burden reduction Administrative burdens concerning waste producers were reduced significantly in 2005: Aim: n Calculating statistics about waste tranfer for all different sectors n European reporting concerning waste Old regulation: approx. 40.000 companies New regulation: statistical sample survey, approx. 16.000 companies (covering all relevant sectors, based upon NACE codes Administrative cost reduction: 6,5 million

19 Demonstration on Wallon Region: REGINE Référentiel Environnement : Gestion INtégrée des Entreprises Referential Environment: Integrated Management of Enterprises

20 Referential Environment: Integrated Management of Enterprises

21 International obligations obligations in one single form : 4 International Conventions and their protocols, 7 European Directives, 3 European Regulations, 2 European Decisions, 1 European Recommendation, 2 Walloon laws, 1 Walloon Decree Several non legally binding agreements.

22 Referential Environment: Integrated Management of Enterprises Targeted companies + 300 EPER LPS PRTR LCP Emissions trading WASTE STATISTICS REGULATIONS

23 Referential Environment: Integrated Management of Enterprises Form structure n Part - Sub-part Number of facilities Reply rate n Identification 286 facilities 76 % n General information 286 facilities 76 % n Energy – part auto-production46 facilities 85 % – part consumption267 facilities 73 % – part biogas 14 facilities 71 % – part MWI4 facilities 100 % – part co-incinerated wastes 19 facilities 100 % n Air – part Emissions Trading113 facilities (127 installations) 94 % – part LCP10 facilities 80 % – part Emissions Register190 sites 77 % n Water 190 sites 77 % n Waste – part manufacturing industry247 facilities 77 % – part eco-industry39 facilities 54 % n Environmental expenditure 286 facilities 46 %

24 Référentiel Environnement : Gestion INtégrée des Entreprises Referential Environment: Integrated Management of Enterprises D ue to a personalisation and pre-filling up of the form according to the companys profile and the regulatory requirements, Companies are requested to report only once a year on relevant specifics datas, benefit from help to fill up the form and are able to follow the historic of validated data. Regional administration services assess quality of the data. The system will allow to dispatch validated data towards the referential environment, towards the databases of different administration services (air, water, waste, energy, etc), towards the competent authorities (federal, European, etc…) and will enable further public access to environmental and PRTR datas

25 Referential Environment: Integrated Management of Enterprises Procedure and deadlines Administration : 1st january year x+1 : personalised and pre-filled form available online Operator : 12 march x+1: « Emission trading » declaration year x 31 march : declaration on remaining datas and informations (methodologies,…) year x Administration : 31 march till 30 september : assesment and quality assurance Validated datas to be published, submitted to operators for final (deadline for comments: one month) 31 march year X+2 : requested datas transmitted to the European commission

26 Belgian PRTR datas on the web 1) European PRTR website: www.eper (prtr) 2) Regional competent authorities websites 3) Belgian Aarhus Convention website:

27 Legal context Flemish region Legislation in force since 2004 and adapted on 8 december 2006 (E-PRTR Regulation operative) Walloon region Legislation to be adopted in 2007 but REGINE was in force since January 2005 on voluntary agreement UNECE PRTR Protocol to be ratified in 2007

28 Conclusions The integrated and single survey has allowed: Ensuring coherence between collected information for different administrative services Improving quality of collected data Reduce the administrative burden Improving cooperation between services and administrations Increasing transparency and improving dialogue between companies and public authorities

29 Contacts Walloon environmental authority Belgium Marianne PETITJEAN Michel AMAND MRW - DGRNE – DCE http://bilan.environnement.wallonie. be Flemish environmental authority Belgium Dick van Straaten - Environment, Nature and Energy Department Marie-Rose van den Hende – VMM Greet Vos – VMM Koen Smeets - OVAM

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