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Stefan Dercon DFID Paris21 Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Stefan Dercon DFID Paris21 Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stefan Dercon DFID Paris21 Meeting
Strengthening national statistical capacities towards a data revolution Stefan Dercon DFID Paris21 Meeting

2 The French Revolution

3 Also the French Revolution
my candidate: the donor-driven data collection agenda..

4 A cultural revolution

5 But also

6 The Industrial Revolution

7 Building national capacities
More focused on use, and alert to use – not just need but data collection for real impact Self-critical, looking for new ways to do things – genuine innovations A real partnership with all actual and potential users and producers …

8 The data revolutionaries....
Users and Producers of the World Unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains and ignorance.

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