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A New Approach to MLA Programming

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1 A New Approach to MLA Programming
New PDP Procedures A New Approach to MLA Programming

2 History Past-president Denise Davis appoints the Cost Analysis Task Force: Lucy Holman David Dahl Claire Holmes Mary Hastler Patty Sundberg Margaret Carty Programming Cost Structure Fair? Equitable? Affordable?

3 Expectations for Divisions No Individual Budgets!
Overall programming budget of $25,000 All divisions and interest groups contribute Each division expected to offer one revenue generating program per year Co-sponsorship! Boost attendance Ensure your division makes its contribution

4 Informal Social Networking & Discussion Groups

5 PAF Submission Schedule (Change Effective October 1st, 2018)
Three planning deadlines when the PDP will review programs: Programs scheduled for January – March: Submit by October 1 Programs scheduled for April – August: Submit by January 15 Programs scheduled for September – December : Submit by June 1

6 Benefits Continuous planning cycle
Divisional leadership will have additional time to plan Division vice-presidents success outgoing presidents Continuity of leadership Continuity of program planning will dovetail with continuity of divisional leadership

7 Fee Schedule Full Day Events
Full Day Events (at least 5 hours from start to end) Member $50.00 Non-Member $75.00 Student/Retiree/Unemployed/Friend $25.00

8 Fee Schedule Half Day Events
Half Day Events (3-4 hours from start to end) Member $25.00 Non-member $37.00 Student/Retiree/Unemployed/Friend $12.50

9 Speakers and Registration Fees
Just who is a speaker? If the person would go to the program anyway, regardless of whether or not they have any role in the program, they should pay the registration fee. Can’t decide? PDP reserves the right to determine whether or not speaker registrations will be charged. General Rule Primary speaker/speakers for a program do not need to pay registration fees.

10 Continuing Education Units
Number of CEUs assigned to a program is not reflected in the registration fee CEUs will still be tied to the amount of actual learning contact provided Registration, breaks, and meals do not count as “contact” One Contact Hour = .1 CEU 1 contact hour for each 60 minutes and ½ contact hour for each 30 minutes (1 ½ hours = 1.5 contact hours) Variance controlled by adherence to definition of full day/half day event

11 Speakers and Funding Exciting!

12 Maryland Library Community Speakers No Policy Change
“For any member of the Maryland library community – no fee offered. Travel expenses may be reimbursed at the mileage rate established by the IRS. In addition, if the distance a speaker must travel exceeds 70 miles, one night’s lodging accommodations, either the night before or the night following the program, as appropriate, may be offered.” (MLA Program Planning Guidelines, Appendix, p.27)

13 Budgeted Funding Available Travel/One Night’s Lodging
Full Day Events Half Day Events Funding: $250/event Targeted Attendance: 50+ Co-Sponsor Minimum: 2 Funding: $175/event Targeted Attendance: 25+ Sponsors: 1+

14 Two New Categories of Speakers Now Funded
Annual pool of $2,000 is available to accommodate these categories of speakers. Librarians outside of the state of Maryland Non-librarians within the state of Maryland

15 How Do I Get Funding? Program planners submit justification for either type of funding along with the PAF PDP will decide on how funds will be divided up and used in any given year Final approval/payment from MLA Executive Director and Treasurer MLA Executive Director and Treasurer reserve the right to approve funding requests that do not fall under these guidelines Only in-person events are eligible

16 Equal Access One Event Funded Per:
Programs scheduled for January through March – Submit by October 1 Programs scheduled for April through August – Submit by January 15 Programs scheduled for September through December – Submit by June 1

17 Think Outside the Box Sponsorship is a great way to procure funding to pay a speaker. One of your vendors may be willing to help out. PSD and RAIG recently were able to secure funding from NoveList to pay for the speaker for their Stocking Your Reader’s Advisory Toolbox program on September 13th.

18 Cancel? Proceed? Low number of registrations: PDP, Program Planner, and MLA Executive Director will decide if the event should proceed or not Benchmark: registrations should meet a minimum profit of $250

19 Will We Succeed? Change the Paradigm!
Old New Programming for your Division Programming for your Association

20 Communicate! Collaborate!
Less competition for funding among divisions More co-sponsorship More attendance at programs More progress towards $25,000 program budget

21 The End Questions?

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