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STARS: Strategies to Achieve Reading Success

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Presentation on theme: "STARS: Strategies to Achieve Reading Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 STARS: Strategies to Achieve Reading Success

2 Lesson 9: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion
What is the difference between and fact and opinion?

3 Write one fact about one of your favorite foods.
Fact and Opinion Write one fact about one of your favorite foods. Write one opinion about this same food.

4 Fact and Opinion Write how your fact is different from your opinion.
Explain to your neighbor

5 Fact or Opinion? South America is a great place to plan a vacation. People who enjoy sun and surf will love the beautiful beaches of Brazil. Serious hikers should check out the magnificent Andes Mountains. The mountain range runs all along the western edge of the continent. If you’re very daring, you will want to explore the mazing Amazon River. The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world—about 4,000 miles long.

6 Fact or Opinion? Read the statements below. Which are facts? Opinions?
1. South America is a great place to vacation. 2. People who enjoy sun and surf will love beautiful Brazil. 3. The mountain range runs all along the western edge of the continent. 4. If you’re daring, you will want to explore the amazing Amazon River. 5. The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world

7 Fact and Opinion-write this down! 
Facts are statements that can be checked or proved. Opinions are statements that cannot be proved. They tell what someone thinks, feels or believes.

8 Fact and Opinion-write this down! 
Opinions often contain such clue words as think, feel, believe, and seem. Other common clue words are always, never, all, none, most, least, greatest, best, and worst.

9 Fact or Opinion? Find your STARS answer paper.
Turn to page 95 in the STARS book. Read the passage and answer questions 1 and 2. You may work with a partner. 

10 Fact or Opinion Complete pages 98 and 99 Answer questions 5-12
Please do this independently.

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