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SQL Saturday #654 - Omaha.

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Presentation on theme: "SQL Saturday #654 - Omaha."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQL Saturday #654 - Omaha

2 Remote SQL Server Troubleshooting and Monitoring Using SSIS
Don St. Cyr


4 University of Nebraska at Omaha
Special thanks to UNO and the College of Business Administration for this awesome facility!

5 Thank you sponsors!

6 Resources I Find Helpful
Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Integration Services (Brian Knight, Devin Knight, Jessica M. Moss, Mike Davis, Chris Rock) published by Wrox The StackOverflow community

7 All About Me! DBA at ScriptPro Formerly worked as a contractor to the U.S Army and the DoD on their Force Management database. Also was a technical trainer at a hospital and a systems administrator for a school district.

8 Why SSIS for Troubleshooting?
A project to learn on Portability Security Automation Graphical interface Simple to work with Great documentation and community Preparation for future ETL/data mining projects Easily interact with other tools (i.e. Powershell & CMD line) Why not?

9 Project Infancy Rpt Name Query 2 Query 3 Query 7 Query 6 Query 5
Glenn Berry’s “SQL Server Diagnostic Information Queries” ( One Package to Rule Them All! Rpt Name Query 2 Query 3 Query 7 Query 6 Query 5 Query 4 Query 8 Query 9 Query 10 Query 11 The first version had separate queries

10 2nd and 3rd Iterations Rpt Name Query 2 Query 3 Query 4 Query 5
Part 2 Query 8 Query 9 Query 10 Query 11 Query 12 Query 13 Query 14 The next few versions had separate queries

11 Modular Stats The current version has 25-30 separate queries
Improvements Over the Old Simple construction Flexible arrangement Individual self contained pieces can be exchanged/removed Base system runs with or without any of the individual packages *NOTE: Package name and text output file need to be named the same (see step 4 of Master Package slide) The current version has separate queries

12 SPDBStats (SQL Performance Database Stats)
We create a Data_Feed table with the important information that we will need to run the packages. The PACKAGE names, the CLASS and SUBCLASS (to create the order), the SAVEDAYS (how many days to save the output), the DIRECTORY where the files get staged, a VALID_TIME and an INVALID_TIME to turn the packages off and on as needed.

13 Master Package SP Counts the # of packages in the Data_Feed table
Selects top 1 based on Class then Subclass and then executes the package Package exports to text files and saves them in the (Directory) folder Deletes all the text files (using the Package name) older than X (SaveDays) days in the (Directory) folder & subfolders If SaveDays = 0, the SP deletes all the txt files that match the Package name dot txt Selects the next top 1 & cycles through steps 2-5 until the count is reached Last package to run is Rollup which creates the dated folder and moves the files into it Master Package SP finishes by deleting any empty folders

14 SSIS Packages Make the individual SSIS packages however you would like
I strongly encourage encrypting the packages and using the password in the Master Package SP to execute This prevents anyone else from adding in a package of their own for automatic execution Ensure the SSIS package name is exactly the same as the out file name It is important to consider data privacy and other confidential information, in our case HIPAA We avoid all PHI & PII in our reports, this info is about server health only!

15 Reports Each days information is saved as individual text files and saved into a dated folder The folders can be pulled back to a system that has Excel installed and full use of Powershell I also have a report in HTML for sites where getting the data back is more difficult, but this report is currently in beta

16 The Rollup Package Name Scope Data Type Value Expression
The Rollup package uses these variables: Name Scope Data Type Value Expression Arg Rollup String /C robocopy C:\Temp C:\Temp\ *.txt /mov /is "/C robocopy C:\\Temp " + @[User::Path] + " *.txt /mov /is" Date (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "yyyy" , getdate() ) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "mm" , getdate() ), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "dd" , getdate() ), 2) Folder C:\Temp @[User::Folder] Path C:\Temp\

17 The Rollup Package (continued)
The Rollup package uses two tasks: The File System Task configuration as shown here

18 The Rollup Package (continued)
And the Execute Process Task configuration here:

19 Demos Data Feed table Master Package SP Invalid Time Save Days part 1 Save Days part 2 Save Days part 3 Report Generation

20 My Next Steps (or, How I’ll do it Differently)
In the Master Package, use CMD line only (for DoD and other Gov clients) [currently uses a mix of CMD line & Powershell] - Currently in beta Create the report as a web page for viewing on site, where pulling the info back is difficult (DoD & other Gov clients) Export the same data to tables rather than text files and then use a new report to query the desired data from the tables Use the report (or a separate package) to create a single text file for offsite review

21 Thank you again to our sponsors!
And thank YOU for coming out today!

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