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“Development and implementation of a module to improve socio-cultural sensitivity among medical graduates” Dr. Sushanta Kumar Mishra, MD Professor & Head,

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1 “Development and implementation of a module to improve socio-cultural sensitivity among medical graduates” Dr. Sushanta Kumar Mishra, MD Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, GSL Medical College, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India Dr. Somanath Dash, MD Professor & Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, GSL Medical College, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India BACKGROUND RESULTS Health professionals are documented as an important cause for stigmatizing people living with HIV (PLHIV).1, 2 Traditional teaching on HIV/ AIDS in India does not address cultural competencies.3 Medical graduates lack socio cultural sensitivity while addressing the health needs of this marginalized population group restricting their access to mainstream health care system. 4 Module Didactic lecture -2hrs Think pair share – 2hrs Cine-meducation– 1hr Clinico-social case studies -1hr Role play – 2hrs Interaction with PLHIV – 2hrs Cultural aspects of HIV Life cycle events AIMS Perceptions Faculty (n=20) Students (n=106) Mean Likert SD Rank Module training achieve the specified objectives 4.95 0.224 1 4.76 0.578 Knowledge gained from training in this module met your expectations 4.85 0.489 2 4.65 0.633 Knowledge gained from training in this module help us while changing student’s understand towards PLHIV 4.40 0.883 3 4.50 0.746 4 Knowledge gained from training in this module help us while changing student’s perceptions towards PLHIV 4.57 0.704 To develop, implement and evaluate a module in order to improve the socio-cultural sensitivity among medical graduates towards the people living with HIV. Values and belief Doctor patient relationship OBJECTIVES Thematic analysis of faculty perception about the benefits of module for students To develop module for inculcating cultural sensitivity among medical graduates. To assess the student’s and faculty response module & intervention. Students can improve their clinical skills (2/20) (k)6 =1 Help the student build clinical career (5/20) (k)6 =0.73 More independent taking decisions (6/29) (k)6 =0.1 More empathetic towards patients (9/20) (k)6 =0.32 METHODOLOGY Analysis of data Evaluation of knowledge (pre & post comparison) & competency (pre post OSCE) students, Feedback from students & faculty Selection and administration of module on 6th semester medical graduates (N=106) Sensitization of core faculty (N=20) Module designing*, validation & pilot testing Approval of Research & Ethical committee of Institution Bring perfection in their practice (4/20) (k)6 =0.96 Will be clinically more competent (14/20) (k)6 =0.46 *(as per WHO guideline for Teaching HIV/AIDS in Medical Schools and AIDS Education & Training Centre model) Mean post sensitization feedback faculty (4.8±0.38) and students (4.55±0.70) (p > 0.05). Perception about the module among faculties and students was also high (mean > 4.4). Faculty feedback showed perfect agreement by multiple raters on “improvement of student’s clinical skills” Student feedback showed that the students strongly agreed in all the aspects of the module in Likert scale. And there was no significant mean difference (p>0.05) in all aspects, Total 78 (19%) responses said that the training in this module will help in improving their communication skills. Pre & post mean score of knowledge showed an increase in mean score (22.1 to 26.49). Mean increase in the evaluation of competency through OSCE was found to be significant. CONCLUSION Encouraging the medical graduates and providing them with an opportunity to get trained through a HIV specific module will improve their socio cultural sensitiveness towards PLHIV. This will help the medical graduates understand about the disease better and develop overall empathy. REFERENCES CONTACT DETAILS Bharat S, Aggleton P, Tyrer P. India: HIV and AIDS-related discrimination, stigma and denial; Geneva: UNAIDS; ISBN A comparison in HIV-associated stigma among healthcare workers in urban and rural Gujarat. Vyas KJ, Patel GR, Shukla D, Mathews WC SAHARA J Aug; 7(2):71-5 Teaching HIV/AIDS in Medical Schools ISBN © World Health Organization 1999 Ekstrand ML, Ramakrishna J, Bharat S, Heylen E. Prevalence and drivers of HIV stigma among health providers in urban India: implications for interventions. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2013;16(3Suppl 2): doi: /IAS The AETC Trainers' Reference and Resource Manual available at Dr. Sushant Kumar Mishra Mob:

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