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Residential Detoxification & Short-Term Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services RFPs The bidders conference today is for two separate.

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Presentation on theme: "Residential Detoxification & Short-Term Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services RFPs The bidders conference today is for two separate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Residential Detoxification & Short-Term Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services RFPs
The bidders conference today is for two separate RFPs for substance use disorder treatment services: Residential Detoxification Treatment Services and Short-Term Residential Treatment Services. Bidder’s Conference August 9, 2016

2 Department of Children and Families (DCF)
Created in July 2006 First Cabinet-level Department devoted exclusively to serving and safeguarding children and families Ensure the safety, well-being and success of children, youth, families and communities

3 Department of Children and Families (DCF)
Four Major Operating Divisions: Child Protection and Permanency Children's System of Care Family and Community Partnerships Women

4 Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P)
Formerly the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) Investigates allegations of child abuse and neglect and addresses child welfare concerns Child Abuse Hotline (State Central Registry) operates 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.

5 Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P)
46 Local Offices 9 Area

6 Children’s System of Care (CSOC)
Serves children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral health care challenges, children with developmental and intellectual disabilities, and children with substance use challenges as well as their families PerformCare, the Administrative Service Organization (ASO) for Children's System of Care, is the single point of access for Children’s System of Care services

7 Family and Community Partnerships
Promotes the health, well-being and personal safety of New Jersey's children and families by working together with parents, caregivers, organizations and communities to ensure an effective network of proven support services, public education and community advocacy to prevent maltreatment Offices include: The Office of Early Childhood Services The Office of School-Linked Services The Office of Family Support Services The Office of Domestic Violence Services

8 Women Pioneering state agency that advances public discussion of issues critical to the women of New Jersey and provides leadership in the formulation of public policy in the development, coordination and evaluation of programs and services for women Evaluates the effectiveness of program implementation and plans for the development of new programs and services

9 Background A significant proportion of families involved in the child welfare system are affected by substance use disorders, with national estimates ranging from 40% to 80%. Children of substance abusing parents are more likely to experience sexual, physical, or emotional abuse and/or neglect and are more likely to be placed in foster care and remain there longer than children from non-substance abusing families.

10 Background However, research has shown that mothers are more likely to be reunified with their children when they are able to enter treatment faster, remain in treatment longer, and successfully complete at least one treatment episode.

11 CP&P-involved Parents Referred to Residential Detoxification Program
Background CP&P-involved Parents Referred to Residential Detoxification Program January – June 2015, n=178 Of the 178 parents referred to detox from January through June 2015, 60 parents or 34% were admitted to a detox program, 36 parents or 20% were admitted into treatment at another level of care, and 82 parents or 46% did not enter treatment at all. For clients who were not admitted into treatment, client non-compliance with treatment recommendations was often cited as the reason… challenges with keeping them engaged when there are waiting lists.

12 CP&P-involved Parents Referred to Short-Term Residential Program
Background CP&P-involved Parents Referred to Short-Term Residential Program January – June 2015, n=265 Of the 265 parents referred to short term residential from January through June 2015, 92 parents or 35% were admitted to a detox program, 5 parents or 2% were admitted into treatment at another level of care, and 168 parents or 63% did not enter treatment at all. For clients who were not admitted into treatment, client non-compliance with treatment recommendations was often cited as the reason… challenges with keeping them engaged when there are waiting lists.

13 Program Overview The funds in this RFP will be awarded to develop a comprehensive program of integrated care to promote the safety and wellbeing of families and children affected by substance use and other co-occurring disorders. Treatment must include the use of trauma-informed and evidence-informed program and practices. EBP expectation for detox = Motivational Interviewing

14 Program Overview Residential Detoxification Treatment Services:
Funding will support a total of four (4) residential detoxification substance use disorder treatment beds Detoxification substance use disorder treatment services must comply with the Level of Care description provided (see page 5), which approximates 2013 ASAM Criteria for Medically Monitored Inpatient Withdrawal Management Level 3.7WM

15 Program Overview Short-Term Residential RFP:
Funding will support a total of eight (8) Short-Term Residential (SR) substance use disorder treatment beds SR substance abuse treatment services must comply with the Level of Care description provided (see page 5), which approximates 2013 ASAM Criteria for Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient Services Level 3.7

16 Applicant Requirements
Applicants must currently operate at least one residential substance abuse treatment facility currently licensed by: New Jersey Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Office of Licensing (OOL) OR Licensing authority recognized by the single state authority for substance use disorders in another state to regulate substance use disorder treatment facilities

17 Target Population CP&P-involved parents, including pregnant women
Referrals must be made through the CPSAI contracted assessment providers working in the CP&P local offices Referrals may be accepted from other sources with approval from the DCF Office of Clinical Services Program Manager Should serve men and women



20 Services to be Funded Residential Detoxification Services RFP:
Four (Level 3.7WM) substance used disorder treatment beds Short-Term Residential Services RFP: Eight (Level 3.7) substance use disorder treatment beds

21 Services to be Funded Medication-assisted treatment, including buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone, must be available as clinically indicated Supportive services (at a minimum): Continuous, comprehensive service planning for the family Trauma-informed, integrated treatment for substance use and mental health disorders Education, skill building, and other supportive services to help clients transition to community supports Recovery management and supports including recovery coaches Wellness activities (e.g., nutritional counseling, meal planning, fitness) Emphasize the importance of access to MAT and client choice Emphasize the importance of recovery coaching that can be available as clients transitions from the program, and coordination with step-down care and other supports

22 Services to be Funded Additional Supportive services for SR Treatment:
Therapeutic interventions for the client, children, and family Flexibility in scheduling to ensure parents maintain visitation with their children No visitation requirement in detox

23 Collaboration The awarded agency will be expected to partner closely with CP&P, including: Timely communication of emerging or urgent issues Participation in client case conference with CP&P workers as required to support treatment and service planning for all family members Assistance with arranging visitation for other children in out-of-home placement Participation in CP&P teaming meetings and Child Welfare Consortia meetings (where applicable) Mention CPP policy about documented progress updates

24 Evaluation At a minimum, the awarded provider will be expected to monitor and report on items such as: Client engagement and retention Utilization of treatment slots Client wellbeing and progress towards treatment goals Average daily census should not fall below 95%.

25 Funding Information – Detox Treatment RFP
Funding will be provided at the annual rate of $174,999 per slot, for a total of up to $699,996 in available funding During the initial contract year, a portion of these funds may be used for start-up costs such as recruitment and hiring of staff, securing furniture and equipment, and minor facility improvements One or two proposals will be funded under this program* Proposals that demonstrate the leveraging of other financial resources will receive additional consideration 699,996 annually *Applicants must propose to provide a minimum of 2 treatment slots. Applicants may submit proposals for 4 treatment beds and/or 2 beds. No more than 4 beds shall be awarded. If the highest scoring applicant is awarded 2 beds, the next highest scoring proposals shall be awarded the next 2 beds, even if it is an 4 bed proposal. Leveraging of resources includes access to step-down services

26 Funding Information – SR Treatment RFP
Funding will be provided at the annual rate of $93,868 per slot, for a total of up to $750,944 in available funding During the initial contract year, a portion of these funds may be used for start-up costs such as recruitment and hiring of staff, securing furniture and equipment, and minor facility improvements One or two proposals will be funded under this program* Proposals that demonstrate the leveraging of other financial resources will receive additional consideration Page 13 of the SR Treatment Services RFP should state: “Applicants may submit proposals for eight short-term residential substance abuse detoxification substance abuse treatment beds and/or four beds.” 750,944 annually *Applicants must propose to provide a minimum of 4 treatment slots. Applicants may submit proposals for 8 treatment beds and/or 4 beds. No more than 8 beds shall be awarded. If the highest scoring applicant is awarded 4 beds, the next highest scoring proposals shall be awarded the next 4 beds, even if it is an 8 bed proposal. Leveraging of resources includes access to step-down services

27 Demonstration of Ability to Be Operational
Applicants who propose services that will be fully operational within four (4) months of the contract award will receive 10 additional points on their proposal.

28 Demonstration of Ability to Be Operational
If proposing to provide services in a currently licensed facility, applicants must: Provide an attestation that either: an application for an amended license has been submitted to DHS OOL or services can be provided without requiring any amendments to the facility’s existing licensure. *** Forgot to add the attestations to the list of required appendices. Applicants who are proposing to provide services in a currently licensed facility must also attach this required attestations as part of their application.

29 Demonstration of Ability to Be Operational
If proposing to provide services in a new facility, applicants must: Provide an attestation that the appropriate certificate of occupancy for the new physical site has been or can be obtained from the local municipality where the proposed program will be located. 2. Provide an attestation that upon notification of the award, an application for licensure (including the required fee) will be submitted to DHS OOL. 3. Request a pre-application functional review with DHS OOL and provide a description of the feedback the applicant has received from DHS licensing regarding the ability of the designated site to comply with licensing standards for the proposed services. 4. Provide an attestation that within 1 month of the award, co-occurring policies and procedures for the new facility will be submitted to DHS OOL for review and approval. *** Forgot to add these attestations to the list of required appendices. Applicants who are proposing to provide services in a new facility must also attach these three required attestations as part of their application.

30 Deadline for receipt of proposals:
RFP Submission Deadline for receipt of proposals: September 23, 2016 by 12:00 PM

31 Thank You! Any Questions?

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