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Embryonic Stem Cell Research

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Presentation on theme: "Embryonic Stem Cell Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Ally Wardell

2 Reason for choosing this topic:
I chose this topic because… Personal significance My opinion before I began my research What I hoped to learn by doing this research

3 The controversy of embryonic stem cell research
Embryonic stem cell research is very controversial in the world today. Advocates claim… Opponents claim…

4 General information regarding embryonic stem cell research
What are embryonic stem cells? Stem cell locations Federal Funding for embryonic stem cells is limited.

5 Claims against embryonic stem cell research
Stem cells can be found in other parts of the body. Embryonic stem cell research destroys human life. Studies have yet to produce viable treatment. Embryonic stem cell donation is unsafe for donors.

6 Claims for embryonic stem cell research
Embryonic stem cells have the potential to revolutionize medicine. Embryos are not human beings, they are potential humans. Therapeutic cloning Embryonic stem cell research is becoming more widely promoted around the world

7 My position on embryonic stem cell research
Embryonic stem cell research should be widely accepted. Not human beings Effectiveness of other stem cells found in various locations. It is important for medical advancements.

8 Challenges faced while conducting my research
Technology Quotes

9 Accomplishments Enlightenment Advice

10 Conclusion The best part What made me excited?

11 Thank you for your attention! Do you have any questions?

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