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Density Notes.

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1 Density Notes

2 Essential Question How is density different than Mass and Weight?

3 Review: Mass and Volume
This should be in your “mass, weight, volume notes” so you don’t need to write it! Review: Mass and Volume Mass: is a measure of the amount of matter or stuff an object contains Measured in g Measured using a balance Volume: is the amount of space an object takes up. Measured in mL for liquids Measured in a graduated cylinder Measured in cm3 for solids Measured by V = L · W · H in cm Or by displacement of water in mL 1 mL = 1cm3

4 Density The amount of mass in a given volume.
Describes how much matter is packed into a certain amount of space or how tightly packed the molecules are in a substance. Density = Mass / Volume D = M / V Units for density are: g/mL if it is liquid g/cm3 if it is a solid

5 Density and Temperature
All samples of the same material whatever their size or shape have the same density if they have the same temperature. Higher the temperature lower the density because volume increases. Lower the temperature higher the density because volume decreases.

6 Does size change density?
Aluminum Cube: Aluminum Cylinder: 270g g 100 cm cm3

7 Let’s find the density! Rubber Stopper Dinosaur Toy

8 Find the Density of Water!
Mass of empty graduated cylinder: ____________g Trial 1 Trial 2 Mass Volume Density

9 Do you LOVE density? D =

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