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Study Skills for Parents 12th January 2016

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1 Study Skills for Parents 12th January 2016

2 Issues for Parents regarding their child :
test results don’t reflect ability don’t know how to study end up reading text books as revision are wasting time, whilst you are supposed to be studying copy out large sections of your textbook when creating notes forget a lot of what is learnt very quickly haven’t enough time to revise for tests

3 3 essentials for Study success
Desire, Ambition and Belief Goals and Targets A Strategy and a Plan

4 Learning Intention Setting Goals and Targets
By the end of this, I will understand how I can help my child in Setting Goals and Targets Creating a Study Timetable Creating Individual Study Notes Revising the notes created.

5 Goal & Target Setting “What gets measured gets action………….
what doesn’t get measured gets ignored”

6 Goals/Targets must be SMART
Specific Measurable Actionable Realistic Time See Student Journal Page 22-23

7 Weekly Study Goals for Week of January 11th
History Revise Celts and Romans Maths Do 2 revision questions from Chapter 3&4. Eng Read to P92 of novel take notes Geo Create Study notes on Ch 4 Rivers French Revise Time Irish Create Study notes on My family Business Do a revision question on Household Budgets RE Create Study notes on Buddism

8 Long Term Targets/Goals Chart
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Review 5 Review 6 Summer Maths 64 English 80 Irish 77 French 70 Business 72 History Geography 90 Religion 85 Home Economics 75 Woodwork CSPE

9 Notes on Creating a Study Timetable
Try to keep regular hours Include other commitments eg sport, drama etc Include all subjects Start with small amounts of time for difficult subjects Review regularly

10 Nightly Plan 5.00-5.25 H/W Irish Letter, Geog Q7-10 5.30-5.55
Study Causes of WWI (His) Dinner Home & Away H/W Maths Q1-7, French Vocab Coronation Street Study Type of Rocks (Geo) Go for a Walk Study Budgets (Bus) H/W Finish

11 Weekly Study Plan Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 5.00-5.25 H/W 5.30-5.55 His
Eng Iri RE Din TV Football Youth Club Dance Geo Walk Maths Bus Fre Art TV (Planner) Science

12 Note Taking Be organised store your notes carefully
ring binders are best classify-be consistent Key points heading and date own words be brief & clear no full sentences leave plenty of space use abbreviations

13 Note Taking Make sure your notes are easy to read. You may have to refer to them for months or years. Only spend mins on any one topic. To make notes stand out use colour, bullets, capitals, arrows, numbers

14 Outline Method TOPIC: ________________________________ 1. Main Idea
a) fact i) detail ii) detail b) fact c) fact 2. Main Idea a) fact b) fact i) detail a) minor detail b) minor detail 3. Main Idea

15 Mind Map TOPIC 11/17/2018

16 Concept Map 11/17/2018

17 Terms and Definitions 11/17/2018

18 Prohibition USA 1. Began 1920 18th Amend Const 2. Exceptions i) Med
ii) Ind iii) Rel 3. Volstead Act i) 1500 agents ii) Speakeasys NY 100K iii) Al Capone 4. Ended in 1933

19 The SES-TEST Method Select
-a section that can be completed in a reasonable time. (1 min) Examine -yourself “ What do I know already” (2 mins) Skim -read the passage and look at the questions (2 mins)

20 The SES-TEST Method Take notes, with the book and copy open
Examine yourself “ What do I know now?” Surround (circle) all your mistakes with a different colour Test yourself again by placing re-tests dates in your diary.

21 The Celts Chapter 3 Pg 25




25 The Roman Empire Chapter 4

26 Note Taking




30 Diagram Method


32 What can and can’t Parents Do
Provide a well lit, quiet desk to study Supply equipment and aids Help Create a Study Timetable Take an interest, help examine, praise Make an agreement to see evidence of study Allow for books, notes and equipment to be left untidy for periods of time Insist on no mobile, music or internet access while studying Reward effort, good study and results.

33 Thank You

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