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Chapter 2 The Properties of Matter

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1 Chapter 2 The Properties of Matter

2 What is Matter? What do you have in common with a toaster?
What do you have in common with a bowl of soup, or a glowing neon sign? Everything is made up of matter! EVERYTHING! Matter is anything that has volume and mass!

3 Matter has Volume All matter takes up space.
The amount of space taken up or occupied by an object is known as its volume. In science class liquid volume is usually measured in a graduated cylinder.

4 Volume Continued Answer: The Meniscus
The surface of the liquid in a graduated cylinder is not flat! Do you know what scientists call the curve that you see at the liquid’s surface? Answer: The Meniscus

5 Solid Volume The volume of any solid is expressed in cubic units.
Cubic means “having three dimensions” Cubic meters and cubic cm are most often used to express volume of solid items in science. V= L x W x H

6 Trick Question: You can measure the volume of liquids and solids, but can you measure the volume of a gas??? Answer: Yes! Gas expands to fill its container, so if you know the volume of the container the gas is in, then you know the volume of the gas.

7 Matter has Mass Mass is the amount of matter that something is made of. For example: The earth is made up of a very large amount of matter and therefore has a large mass!

8 Mass and Weight Weight is different from Mass

9 Mass as a measure of Inertia
Inertia is the tendency of all objects to resist any change in motion. Inertia is what causes an object that is at rest to remain at rest until something causes it to move. Likewise, a moving object will continue to move unless something acts upon it to change its speed or direction. An object with a larger mass is more difficult to start moving or to stop from moving! Think of kicking a soccer ball that has the mass of a bowling ball!! OUCH!

10 Chapter 2 Quiz #1 What are the two properties of all matter?
Inertia increases as _________ increases. a. time b. volume c. length c. mass Which of these is not matter: a. a cloud b. your hair c. the sun d. they are all matter

11 Describing Matter Knowing the properties of an object can help you determine the objects identity. A few examples of physical properties could be color, odor, mass, volume… A physical property of matter can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the matter. You use physical properties all the time. For instance using the physical property of odor to see if your socks are clean!

12 Using Density to Identify
Remember Density is the amount of matter in a given space. D = m / V It is useful for identifying substances for two reasons: Density of a particular substance is always the same at a given pressure and temperature Density of one substance is usually different from that of another substance


14 Liquid Layers What do you think has caused the liquid to look the way it does??? Answer: Difference in density!!! Each liquid has a different density, and so do not mix, but separate into layers!

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