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AKA: The Red Planet Mars By: Mihikaa Seth.

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Presentation on theme: "AKA: The Red Planet Mars By: Mihikaa Seth."— Presentation transcript:

1 AKA: The Red Planet Mars By: Mihikaa Seth

2 The diameter of mars is 4212 miles.
The Size of the planet The diameter of mars is 4212 miles.

3 Here you can see mars along with the other inner planets.
Inner or outer Here you can see mars along with the other inner planets. Mars is an inner planet.

4 How many earth days are in a year on mars?
687 days on mars are equal to 365 days on Earth.

5 Does mars have any moon Mars has 2 moons the moons name are called Deimos and Phobos .Both of the moons aren’t circular they both look like potatoes

6 Unique features Mars has very big dust storms.Scintests think that there might have been rivers on mars long ago

7 If you could visit your planet whould you why or why not?
I whould go to mars because then I will be the first person to step on Mars.I also want to go to mars because then I can see the huge dust storms.

8 Fun facts about mars Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system . Mars is named after a Roman Warrior

9 Goodbye everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you loved my powerpoint presentation and I hope you learned from it have a good day bye

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