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Differentiation within a mixed ability environment

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1 Differentiation within a mixed ability environment
Research question: Is it possible for every pupil to make progress in a non-streamed / set environment? Lucy England – Budmouth - English Dave Hyde - All Saints - PE

2 What we did: KS4 Top set English class- (revision lesson) worked in classroom pairs and then moved to sit in mixed ability pairings. Students were unaware of the different level of ability within each pair. KS3 Mixed PE class-(cricket lesson) worked in groups and made aware that someone in their group had the knowledge to help them improve their cricket skills but these ‘experts’ were not explicitly named. What we found out: Without set roles within the English classroom the high ability pupils didn’t realise the value they offered the pairing. Despite this pupils enjoyed the different opinions and ideas which led to more focused discussion. In PE pupils enjoyed mixed gender setting and guidance from peers with previous knowledge of cricket. Without the role of ‘expert’ assigned any of the students were able assume that role. Impact on our classroom practices: Play around with tasks to allow students to assume different roles independently e.g. leader, speaker, scribe and coach

3 Power of Inclusion All students are different, all differently able, Our vision sees all of them at the same table. With those that are struggling being helped by the ‘best’ Because sometimes the brightest need help from the rest. Segregation of pupils, with only the able in mind, Is a lost chance for students who will get left behind But when they help one another, they get more from the lesson A combined set of skills brings collective progression. High ability students that help others to learn, Gain a deeper knowledge of that subject in turn. When the pupils are teaching and all opinions are sought, The classroom is a place where even teachers get taught.

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