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IE352 System Analysis and Design

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1 IE352 System Analysis and Design
Session I Definitions

2 SYSTEM System is a set of components that interact with one another and serve for a common purpose or goal. Abstract Conceptual system, a product of a human mind. That is, it cannot be seen or pointed to as an existing entity. Physical Has a material nature. It is based on material basis rather than on ideas or theoretical notions. 2

3 Traditional System Model
Regular analysis of the system is concerning inputs; feed back; processes and outputs Control and used tools may be included External factors are almost touched in analyzing the traded inputs/outputs Internal components are completely not touched within the global frame. 3

4 Traditional System Model
Environment Sys. Boundaries Feed Back Inputs Processes Outputs Opened System Closed System Management Control

5 System Characteristics
Purpose Components Interrelationships Internal Boundary Environment Interface Business Constraints Input Output Processes 5

6 Internal 6

7 Purpose All of the components work together to achieve one or more purposes The legitimacy of the system is based on its purposes which should be defined, stated and communicated in the beginning of its life System purpose is known as its MISSION; which is the reason for existing

8 Components A component is either an individual part or an
aggregate of parts, also called a subsystem. Component is either Abstracts or Physical item within the concerned system Abstract components as departments, by- laws, financial system, managerial style Physical components as cooling system in the car or ventilation system in the workshop

9 Interrelation Clear and predefined interrelationship is established for the different components The function of one of these components is somehow tied to the function of the others This interrelationships manage and control the mutual interactions of the entire system

10 Business 10

11 Boundary Boundary establishes the limits of a system, separating it from other systems. It is where the system works, acts and implemented All the elements or components inside the boundary are belonging to the system Whatever outside this boundary affects and being affected by this system

12 Environment Working environment that surrounds the system.
It includes all the affecting and effected entities and other systems System should consider and respect all the environment laws, rules, traditions and characteristics

13 Interface The system is connected to the environment through the interface This interface may be internal between the system and its other sub-systems within an integrated one, or external with the environment Interface has many forms and it has its own rules and regulations developed within the system

14 Processes 14

15 Constraints The system works within the environment under different constraints which limit what it can do and how it can achieve its purpose Some of these constraints are developed by the system, internal, and others are imposed as laws and regulations

16 Inputs Whatever the purpose of the system, it has to has inputs to do its work The source of these inputs determined the system features and type; it is an open system if it is from the external environment and closed system if it is from internal integrated system Inputs acceptance in the environment ensures the legitimacy of the system

17 Outputs The system outputs are the results of its work
Outputs should have the conformity with system mission or purpose Outputs acceptance in the environment ensures the legitimacy of the system

18 Integrated Organizational Model
MODERN SYSTEM MODEL Integrated Organizational Model A model that can be applied to describe, analyze and diagnose the system Simplification of the complex reality in which so many different aspects all influence each other. Emphasize the interrelationships of the different elements of the system.

19 Factors Actors Restrictions Regulations Policies Mission Rules
Strategy Management Style Positive Influence Input Structure Support Systems Output Culture Personnel Actors

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