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Learning and Knowledge The Digital Mindset
Homo Zappiens Learning and Knowledge The Digital Mindset Prof. Wim Veen 1 - 47 Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Being in control of information flows
Homo Zappiens Being in control of information flows 2 - 47
Daily Media Uses 3 - 47
Homo Zappiens The generation Playing Games
Grand Theft Auto, World of Warcraft, PS2, Xbox, LAN Parties Communicating 24/7 Via SMS, MSN, chatrooms, mobile phones Integrating f2f and virtual friends Never reading a manual Preferring a cell phone rather than a newspaper 4 – 47
The generation for whom learning is playing
Homo Zappiens The generation for whom learning is playing 5 - 47
Homo Zappiens The generation inventing games
Without winners or losers, without start or end, and changing the rules continuously…. 6 - 47
Games sites for communicating with others
7 - 47
Worldwide Multi Player Games on the Internet
8 - 47
Second Life: Learning in Virtual Worlds with Virtual Identities
Uit Second Life een nieuw screen grabben Second Life: Learning in Virtual Worlds with Virtual Identities 9 - 47
Multiple virtual identities
Pandora Music: Mass Customization
Te hoge resolutie zodat je pandora niet meer ziet. Ander formaat invoegen Pandora Music: Mass Customization
Using video clips for communication
Sharing and manipulating files for free
MSN is on 24/7: 10 simultaneous communications More than 150 contacts
Tekst anders uitlijnen in groene box MSN is on 24/7: 10 simultaneous communications More than 150 contacts
Tagclouds: Reaching out Globally
Nieuwe screendump invoegen Tagclouds: Reaching out Globally
Tagging and Sharing Images: a Participatory Culture
Homo Zappiens’ writing
My Space, My language
Skateboarding up the stairs
Homo Zappiens is Skateboarding up the stairs Surfing and snowboarding Searching for extremes
School is for meeting friends rather than for learning
Homo Zappiens is School is for meeting friends rather than for learning
Homo Zappiens is
Homo Zappiens is
Homo Zappiens at Work Iconic Skills Multi-Tasking Proces -sing
Discontinued Information Non-Linear Approach
Scanning icons, sound, colours, movements and images
Listening to favorite music
Multi-Tasking Calling a friend Listening to favorite music Surfing or MSN Doing Math homework
Processing Discontinued Information
Zapping is the skill to construct meaningful knowledge from discontinued audio-visual and textual information flows
Non-linear learning strategies demand a redesign
Non Linear Approach Non-linear learning strategies demand a redesign of content: learning assets, objects to be accessed just-in-time Non-linear A B C D E F Linear A B C D E F
Mind Mapping
Everything is of same importance Object Book is static Always same end
Interpreting Everything is of same importance Object Book is static Always same end One way communication Reader is spectator Configuring Choosing different paths, opportunities Object and process Game is dynamic Multiple ends Games are communities Player is immersed Transportation of person Plaatjes afronden en in juiste formaat er boven zetten
Different media lead to…
…different skills
Parents are good at reading…
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
…but less good at visual cues
Look at the chart and say the COLOUR not the word YELLOW BLUE ORANGE BLACK RED GREEN PURPLE YELLOW RED ORANGE GREEN BLACK BLUE RED PURPLE GREEN BLUE ORANGE Left - Right Conflict Your right brain tries to say the colour but your left brain insists on reading the word
Homo Zappiens learns differently...
high speed < multi tasking < non linear approaches < iconic skills first < connected < collaborative < learning by searching < learning by playing < learning by externalizing < fantasy < Homo Sapiens > conventional speed > mono tasking > linear approaches > reading skills first > stand alone > competitive > learning by absorbing > separating learning and playing > learning by internalizing > reality
Homo Zappiens Develops Meta Cognitive Skills
Enquiry based approaches Networked learning Experiential learning Collaborative learning Active learning Self organisation Problem solving strategies Expliciting knowledge to others 33- 47
Homo Zappiens’ Reference Framework
Is digital and multimedia oriented Is menu, keywords, and tags oriented Relies on challenge, creativity, and self-esteem
For Homo Zappiens The Net is an extension of self Sharing is winning
Profiling is expressing yourself Services are personalized Peers are your references You matter in an organization
YouTube: Winning by Sharing
Nieuwe grab maken YouTube: Winning by Sharing
…Learning is the interactive process of searching for meaning
…Knowledge is communication about meaning
Learning by aggregation
Learning digitally is aggregating distributed and discontinued information stay current with peers in networks where each hold a part sharing knowledge prosumption Zelfde kleurprincipe doorvoeren
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Content is for free
Content is User Generated
Nieuwe screendump maken Content is User Generated
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Peers as Reference
Ook hier een nieuwe grab pakken. En hogere rode balk
Everyone a publisher
Sharing content on the net
Nieuwe grab pakken. En hogere rode balk Sharing content on the net
New Models for Content Development and Distribution
Hogere rode balk In current practice, a learning object might teach a single idea or it might cluster several concepts to deliver a more substantial chunk of learning. While there many interpretations, most educators would agree that learning objects have the following characteristics Smaller units of learning: Learning objects usually comprise a smaller unit of learning than a course, typically ranging from two to 15 minutes. Self contained: Each learning object is self-contained and can be used independently of other learning objects. Reusable: Learning objects are reusable. The same learning object can be used in multiple contexts for multiple purposes. Can be aggregated: Learning objects can be grouped into larger collections of content to create more substantial units of learning. Tagged with metadata: All learning objects are tagged with metadata that describes the learning object and allows it to be easily retrieved in a search. New Models for Content Development and Distribution
Innovating Learning at the Workplace
Digital Me Content Learning © Wim Veen Hogere rode balk Digital Us Company Innovating Learning at the Workplace
Hogere rode balk Further Readings
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