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Turn in your quiz redemptions to the basket.

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Presentation on theme: "Turn in your quiz redemptions to the basket."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turn in your quiz redemptions to the basket.
1. What is the Universe? 2. What is the largest piece of evidence for the Big Bang Theory?

2 Sample Example The Universe is the largest space structure. It includes all of space, time and matter. The largest piece of evidence for the Big Bang Theory is the observation that galaxies are moving away from each other.

3 Quiz On Friday Homework! You need to study! Space Movements
Inner Planets You need to study!

4 Notes on Space Movement and Inner Planets

5 Rotation Space Movements Orbiting Or Revolving
When a celestial object or spacecraft moves in a curved path around another celestial object. Example: The moon orbits the Earth. Rotation Orbiting Or Revolving The act of rotating or spinning around an axis or center. Example: Earth rotates on it’s axis.

6 Space Movements Gravity
The force that attracts an object towards another object with a mass. Gravity depends on two factors: Mass Distance The larger the mass the stronger the gravity. The smaller the distance the stronger the gravity.

7 Space Movements Inertia
A property of matter that states that an object will continue doing whatever motion it is currently doing unless acted on by another force. An object that is not moving will continue to not move. An object that is moving will continue moving at the same rate. An object moving will continue moving in a straight line.


9 How do objects in space move?
Gravity pulls objects towards the Sun (1) and Inertia keeps the object revolving in space(2).

10 Observing motions in space
Constellations and the Sun rise and set on different sides of the planet due to the rotation of Earth

11 Observing motions in space
Constellations and stars seem to appear and disappear in the night sky at different times in the year due to Earth moving in its orbit around the sun.

12 Notes on planets as groups

13 The Terrestrial Planets!
You will be using the textbooks to fill out the rest of your notes on the Terrestrial Planets! Using pages 58 – 71. Online link to text book is on the blog

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