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Today’s AIM: Why were the years from 1781-1789 known as the “Critical Period” in the new nation?

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s AIM: Why were the years from 1781-1789 known as the “Critical Period” in the new nation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s AIM: Why were the years from known as the “Critical Period” in the new nation?

2 United States of America Articles of Confederation
Lets now examine the MAJOR weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. United States of America Articles of Confederation

3 Weaknesses = FAILURE of the Articles
1. Currency Issues NO common currency! Americans had money from the fed. government, state government, and foreign nations!

4 Traders stopped accepting money from outside of their own state = MONEY is WORTHLESS = INFLATION

5 Weaknesses = FAILURE of the Articles
2. Debt Congress could not tax the people and really NEEDED TO! Therefore, the US was unable to pay its debts from war! Examples: - The U.S. owed money to France, Holland, and Spain for loans made during the Revolutionary War. - The U.S. had not paid many of their own soldiers!

6 Weaknesses = FAILURE of the Articles
3. Domestic Problems US lacked military power to defend itself States acted as individual countries RARELY agreed Example: Connecticut and Virginia almost went to war over land claims!

7 What is the main message of this cartoon?


9 Another domestic problem…
SHAY’S REBELLION (1787) Farmer REVOLT vs. GOVERNMENT led by Daniel Shays (war veteran) WHY did it happen? high state taxes, imprisoned for debt, lack of $$ around Rebellion stopped by Massachusetts state militia (no $$ for army)


11 What does it mean to be a “nationalist”?
Where do we see examples of nationalism in our lives TODAY? Examine the image. How did incidents such as this one bolster the arguments of the Nationalists in the US? The nationalists argued that democracy was giving way to violence and threatening order without a strong central government.

12 Regents Practice Shays’ Rebellion (1786) became a concern for many national leaders because it indicated there would be future conflicts over the spread of slavery exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation pointed to the need for federal government regulation of interstate commerce showed that frontier settlements were vulnerable to raids by Native American Indians

13 We HAVE TO MEET before this gets WORSE!
1786 – Annapolis Convention in Annapolis, Maryland... ONLY 5 states sent delegates PLAN = regulate trade between US states Can it be done with 5 STATES? NO! IT DOESN’T WORK! Another convention MUST BE HELD!

14 So, what needs to change ASAP?
For the USA to survive, it needs: Stronger National Government Avoid CIVIL WAR! More branches to share power A NEW CONSTITUTION! “Decide forever the fate of republican government.” – James Madison

15 Do you AGREE or DISAGREE?
“Have we fought for this? Was it with these expectations that we launched into a sea of trouble?” —George Washington, 1785 What is GW saying? Do you AGREE or DISAGREE?

16 The Articles of Confederation remained our nation’s government?
What if… The Articles of Confederation remained our nation’s government? What would our country look like today?

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