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Agent-Based Methods for Dynamic Social Networks

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1 Agent-Based Methods for Dynamic Social Networks
Eric Vance ISDS Duke University Graduate Student Research Day April 5, 2006

2 Social Networks Social Network analysis models relationships between actors. 1 signifies a friendship, 0 indicates the absence of a friendship FAB=1 FAC=1 FBA=1 FBC=0 FCA=0 FCB=1 B A C

3 Dynamic Social Networks
How do networks change over time? How do we identify patterns? How do we make predictions?

4 Agent-based models Program simple rules for agents in a computer simulation. Complex phenomena can be generated by individual agents acting according to the simple rules. Evaluate each new rule.

5 Static Social Network Model
logit(pij)=0+s(si+rj)+ Xij-|zi-zj| Intercept 0 is a baseline probability for friendship Sender si random effect Receiver rj random effect Vector of dyad-specific (observable) covariates Xij Positions (zi) in latent (unobservable) Social Space The distance between zi and zj in Social Space affects the probability of a friendship from i  j. Actors close together in social space are more likely to be friends.

6 Our Approach--Motivation
Students arrive at a boarding school having no friends. Each student occupies a position in Social Space. Students make friends at each time according to simple rules which mimic the static social network model.

7 Student Social Space Social Space is a useful proxy for that which we cannot measure. Students move towards their friends in Social Space. Students change their habits and interests to be more similar to their friends’.

8 Student Social Space Sports Fashion B A C
Students close together have similar characteristics

9 3 Rules for Agent Model Students are endowed with a position (zi), Sexi=M or F, Charisma ci  N(0,1). Make friends according to probability pij: logit(pij)=0+s(ci+cj)+ Xij-|zi-zj| Move 1/3 distance towards the average of friends’ positions. What happens when 0, s, and  vary?

10 Simulation

11 Simulation

12 Simulation Results

13 Analysis of Results--ANOVA Table
Approximate as a linear model: Avg # friends = coef 0+ coef s+ coef || +  Deg. f Sum Squares p-value 0 1 122148 <2e-16 s 4138 || 172 1.2e-06 Residuals 4455 32504 The intercept 0 has a very large effect. The  coefficient has a small effect.

14 Future Directions Use the model to estimate parameters for a dynamic network with real data. How to summarize a social network? Add rules to better reflect reality.

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