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The limits of the solar system

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Presentation on theme: "The limits of the solar system"— Presentation transcript:

1 The limits of the solar system

2 The Odyssey of the Voyager spacecraft

3 Locations of the Voyager
Voyager 1: au from Sun (March 2008) = 9.82 billion miles = 14 light hours Voyager 2: au

4 What is there in the outer solar system?
Still more objects (minor planets, Kuiper Belt Objects, comets) “The Boundary of the Solar System” (the heliospheric termination shock)

5 The Heliospheric boundary: between the solar wind and the interstellar medium

6 The University of Iowa radio instruments on Voyager 1 and 2 “picked up” the termination shock years before we got there

7 Radio emission from deep space
Voyager spacecraft radio receiver

8 Satellites of the outer planets
A main and interesting class of solar system objects. 2 of the 3 objects of most interest for life elsewhere in the universe

9 Satellites of Jupiter Jupiter as it would be seen in a small telescope

10 Virtually nothing was known about the Moons of Jupiter prior to the arrival of spacecraft in the 1970s Io Europa Ganymede Callisto 8 others known before space age A total of 63 now known (mostly tiny)

11 The Galilean satellites of Jupiter

12 The Galilean satellites of Jupiter (cont)

13 Titan… largest moon of Saturn

14 Titan as seen at infrared wavelengths

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