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Assignment 3 - Solution.

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1 Assignment 3 - Solution

2 Assignment 3 - Grades

3 Wave Breaking The release of energy derived from the wind, along a narrow coastal zone - geomorphic work done by wind, really, translated through medium of water.

4 Wave Breaking In the next several lectures, we’ll cover the following topics: Nearshore Wave Breaking Surf Zone Wave Decay Set-up and Set-down Wave Runup Infragravity Water Motions

5 Wave Breaking

6 Show videos of Wave Break
Vilano beach movie Steamer’s Lane movie

7 Wave Breaking - Mathematically
As waves shoal into shallow water: Wave steepness: Wave height shoals up. Wave length gets shorter Steepness varies by h^(-3/4) going to infinity at the shoreline. Obviously cannot happen. Something has to give!

8 Wave Breaking – When it occurs?.
Common misconception – “breaking is a result of waves dragging on the bottom, then trip forward due to friction” – NO! Friction plays a very small role – computer simulations that completely neglect friction can still produce breaking waves. A wave breaks when it becomes overly steep, because the velocity of water particles in the wave crest exceed the velocity of the wave form!

9 Style of Breaking Schematic and traces of high-speed photos illustrating different types of wave breaking behavior. But what causes each one of the different breaking styles?

10 Style of Breaking - Illustrated
Spilling waves (flat beaches) Plunging waves (moderate beaches) First observations recognized that beach slope and wave steepness had something to do with this... Surging waves (steep beaches)

11 x < 0.5 xb < 0.4 x > 3.3 xb > 2.0 Iribarren Number x
This ratio of beach steepness to wave steepness has a deep-water form and a nearshore form. 0.5 < x < 3.3 0.4 < xb < 2.0 x > 3.3 xb > 2.0 From Battjes, 1974

12 Wave Break Style vs. Ir. # Lab Results from a Wave Tank

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