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Diocesan Canonical Inspection, February 2018:

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1 Diocesan Canonical Inspection, February 2018:
Welcome to St Paul’s Catholic School New Parent Information Evening Ofsted Inspection, January 2018: ‘A good school with an outstanding Sixth Form.’ ‘Teaching accelerates the progress pupils make’ ‘Staff work well with pupils, parents and carers to keep pupils safe.’ ‘Behaviour of pupils is consistently good in lessons and around the school. They are courteous, polite and respectful.’ Diocesan Canonical Inspection, February 2018: ‘An outstanding Catholic school in all areas.’ ‘St Paul’s is a happy place…there is joy on the corridors and purposeful learning in the classrooms.’ ‘The diversity and inclusive nature of the school is a real strength and a source of great pride’

2 NL Mrs Gillespie Headteacher

3 Our two greatest priorities…
To ensure that all our young people are happy, safe and cared for To ensure that all our young people grow, learn and achieve – in every way NL

4 The strengths of this community
High expectations of and for all Relentless focus on fully developing our young people Commitment of staff & governors More students than ever applying for Year 7 places, staying into the Sixth Form, and joining the Sixth Form from other schools Over £250,000 raised by our community since October 2008 for our ‘Team Ghana’ project NL 4

5 The things that direct your child’s achievement at school –
The quality of the education provided (teaching, enrichment, personal development, skills & knowledge development) This is the responsibility of St Paul’s 2. The effort that students put in to their work (completing homework, re-working and developing class notes, use of online resources, attending additional lessons when appropriate) This is the responsibility of the student (supported by parents and the school) 3. The engagement of parents and carers in their child’s education (attending Parents & Information evenings, discussing your child’s learning with them, being attentive to how they are spending their time) This is the responsibility of parents & carers NL 5

6 TALK TO US Form Tutor Parent
School Parent Student TALK TO US Parent Form Tutor Progress Leader – Mrs Chavda Deputy Headteacher Headteacher Subject Teacher SENCO (Learning Development) NCO

7 LEARNING DEVELOPMENT Ms Teal – Faculty Leader
Literacy and Numeracy support groups Development of interpersonal skills Teaching Assistants may support some of your child’s lessons and provide other assistance as necessary NCO 7

Peer Mentoring Mentoring Club Faith in Families school support worker Assistant Progress Leader – Miss Grudgings Chaplaincy School First Aider Sixth Form Students Student Support Team Year 7 Students supported by Year 10 students and the Chaplaincy NCO 8

9 Better Communication! Please make sure that we have your address – it is a very effective way of communicating with you Form tutor addresses are in your pack NCO School App 9

10 Extra Curricular Opportunities Year 7
Sports teams/clubs Football Basketball Rugby Netball Badminton Cricket Dodgeball Archery Rounders Handball Athletics (indoor & outdoor) GCSEpod Online learning resources Performing Arts School Show Performing Arts Trip Dance Academy Choir Guitar Club Keyboard Club Chaplaincy organised activities Think Day Saints Day The Briars Other areas EcoReco Environment Club Design and Technology Club Dissection Club Potions Club And many more.... JSW

11 How do I prepare for the start of the year?
Over the holiday look in the Parents’ Handbook once or twice to familiarise yourself with the routines of the typical day at St Paul’s. This will answer many questions, such as reporting absences, times, organisation, buses, homework, and uniform requirements. Apply for Free School Meals JSW - students 11

12 Mobile Phones – they are banned
FAQs Mobile Phones – they are banned Uniform Parents’ Cars Please contact the school office for all messages to pupils Pupil Photo Here

13 INDUCTION DAY Thursday 28th June 2018
Students should arrive no later than 8.40am Staff and prefects will direct pupils to the Theatre. Parents are not permitted into school with them. Form Tutors to meet and greet in the Theatre Students to be collected at 2.50pm Parents to wait outside school reception to meet with students – please note there will be no parking on the school site. Students going home by school bus will be met by their siblings in the drama hall at 2.50 Students catching the 22 bus will be escorted to the bus stop by staff JSW Once the students have met their form tutor, they will spend some time getting to know them and then they will experience a day of taster lessons, so they will need to bring a pen and some stationary with them. They will be taken to and from each lesson by their form tutor, so they shouldn’t get lost and there will be older students with them to be their guide also. The students will have an earlier lunch time and they need to either bring a packed lunch or some money for a school dinner, £2 should be sufficient. Diane from the canteen is in the food technology room with samples and I recommend that after this you go and try some of the food. After lunch, the students will meet their form tutors again and will have a short assembly with the rest of their year. The day will then finish at If you’re collecting your child from school, please wait in reception and someone will come and take you down to meet your child at the Drama Hall. Students that have older siblings in the school and are therefore catching the school bus with them, will be met in the drama hall by their brother or sister and walked down to the bus stop by staff. Staff will also walk down any students that are catching the no.22 public bus.

14 INDUCTION DAY Key things to remember for Induction Day –
Students should wear their current (i.e. primary school) uniform Students will all receive a free hot dinner or sandwich from the school canteen. Please complete the travel arrangements form in your envelope and leave it in a collection box this evening. JSW Once the students have met their form tutor, they will spend some time getting to know them and then they will experience a day of taster lessons, so they will need to bring a pen and some stationary with them. They will be taken to and from each lesson by their form tutor, so they shouldn’t get lost and there will be older students with them to be their guide also. The students will have an earlier lunch time and they need to either bring a packed lunch or some money for a school dinner, £2 should be sufficient. Diane from the canteen is in the food technology room with samples and I recommend that after this you go and try some of the food. After lunch, the students will meet their form tutors again and will have a short assembly with the rest of their year. The day will then finish at If you’re collecting your child from school, please wait in reception and someone will come and take you down to meet your child at the Drama Hall. Students that have older siblings in the school and are therefore catching the school bus with them, will be met in the drama hall by their brother or sister and walked down to the bus stop by staff. Staff will also walk down any students that are catching the no.22 public bus.

15 FINAL COMMENTS Uniform – Schoolwear Solutions in Oadby
Form tutors, Ms Teal and the Senior Team are also available now to answer any questions you might have. Information about school buses and routes is available in the plaza and on the school website. Return data collection forms, biometric consent forms Travel arrangements for induction day – please use any one of the collection boxes. The school uniform as worn by our two current year 7 students is on display in the conference centre, where you can also buy school badges and ties. You can also buy a copy of ‘Going to Secondary School – 101 Tips for Parents,’ which is a booklet full of practical tips and ways that you can prepare both you and your child for the huge leap from primary to secondary school. You can find out information about the canteen and even taste some of the food served there in the Technology room outside this hall. The form tutors, Mrs Konig and Mrs Kearns are available to answer any questions, along with Mr Cockcroft and I.

16 We hope you enjoy your time at
St Paul’s Thank you JSW

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