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Presentation 3: Sociological perspectives

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1 Presentation 3: Sociological perspectives
Health & Social Care • Unit 7 Presentation 3: Sociological perspectives © Owned by or under licence to Harcourt Education Ltd 2007

2 Health & Social Care • Unit 7
Functionalism: An approach in which social institutions work together in harmony, leading to the smooth running of society. Value consensus: According to functionalists, there is general agreement as to the basic values and beliefs in societies. This is called value consensus. Conflict model: This is a sociological approach first associated with Karl Marx. According to the conflict model, the institutions of society are organised to meet the interests of the ruling classes, those with wealth and power. © Owned by or under licence to Harcourt Education Ltd 2007

3 Health & Social Care • Unit 7
The bourgeoisie: In Marxist theory the bourgeoisie (or the capitalists) are the powerful class in society who own the factories, land and other capital. They are therefore able to organise the economy and other important social institutions to their own advantage. The proletariat: In Marxist theory the proletariat are the 'working class' who have only their labour to sell. They work for and are exploited by the bourgeoisie. © Owned by or under licence to Harcourt Education Ltd 2007

4 Health & Social Care • Unit 7
Feminism: Feminism is normally classed as an example of a conflict model where women are seen as exploited by men. According to this model, society favours men over women in important areas of social life, especially areas related to employment. Feminism is a term also used to describe a movement that campaigns for equality between men and women. © Owned by or under licence to Harcourt Education Ltd 2007

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