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Simulation for Local Coordinators

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1 Simulation for Local Coordinators
AARP Tax-Aide Activity Reporting Better, Faster, Easier! Simulation for Local Coordinators As of 1/10/08 Hello and welcome to the presentation on the new Activity Reporting Process. My name is Jan Garcia, and I am the Operational Manager for the AARP Tax-Aide program at the National Office. We are excited to show you this simulation of how to submit the activity reports for the Local Coordinator. We think it is simple, easy to understand, and should take only minutes to actually submit. This simulation will show you the steps and screens that will be used to submit your actual counts. Please note that this simulation uses a fictitious name of a Local Coordinator and the Sites and counts are all fake. What is shown here is for illustrative purposes only.

2 Collect all site sign in sheets, and tally the counts
Go to a computer and log onto internet. Go to the volunteer extranet at It is quick and easy to access the new Activity Reporting system. After collecting and totaling your site’s results as instructed on the new Site Sign In Sheet, go to a computer with access to the Internet. Log onto the internet, bringing up your Internet browser. Type in to access the volunteer extranet. Press enter. You will now be in the Tax-Aide Extranet. Simply click on “Activity Reporting”. This should be at the very opening section of the Extranet and be easy to find. Press the button for Activity Reporting

3 You will now be in the AARP Tax-Aide Site Activity Reporting System and at the Login screen On this screen, put your cursor into the Volunteer ID box. Type in your Volunteer ID. Then move your mouse to the “Local Coordinator” box and click on the box.

4 Now lets discuss some of the buttons on the bottom of the screen.
12 1 3 100 16 You are now in the Site Activity Input screen. You will see that there are six categories with a box to input the results from the Site Sign in Sheets you have already totaled. The cursor is automatically set at the entry for Federal Returns. Type in the result for Federal Returns. Then tab and enter in the result for Prior Year Federal Returns, tab again to enter Amended Federal Returns, and so on until you have entered in the Quality Reviews. If you have more than one site, tab and you will go down to the next site. Now lets discuss some of the buttons on the bottom of the screen. The Reset button is there to put your information back to what it was when you opened this page. You can use this if you made a mistake and want to undo everything. You can save what you have done prior to submitting final results for the reporting period. After inputting the results you want to report, simply place your cursor over the Save & Exit button and hit enter. Your results will be saved. You can go into the system again anytime prior to the end of the reporting month and these saved results will be in the system when you again access the system. This button will cause your information to revert to what it was when you opened this page

5 12 1 3 100 16 When you are completely done for the entire reporting period, and you are ready to submit final results to your DC, simply finish inputting results, put your cursor over the Submit & Exit button and hit enter. This warning notice will then pop up automatically, asking you if you are sure you want to do this. If you don’t need to make any other changes put your cursor over the OK button and hit enter. If you are not sure, hit “Cancel” and you can go back and continue making adjustments. If you hit “OK”, then you have successfully submitted your results for the report period! Congratulations!

6 If you need to update number, you need to replace the old number with the new number
Some volunteers will be going into the reporting system multiple times throughout the month. So what do you do if you need to go in and update the information or results?

7 00000001 First, you will need to log back into the system.
Just like before, go to a computer, log onto the internet, go to the Volunteer Extranet and select the Activity Reporting button. You will now be in the AARP Tax-Aide Site Activity Reporting System and at the Login screen On this screen, put your cursor into the Volunteer ID box. Type in your Volunteer ID. Then move your mouse to the “Local Coordinator” box and click on the box.

8 25 The same screen of sites will show up as you saw before. Notice that with this screen, one of the sites already has information on it. In this simulation, you will view a change of the current “22” for Federal Returns for the current year to “25”. First put your curser into the field you want to change. Delete the previous results. Then type your new total – in this instance it is 25. Note that the system will not automatically add the new and former results. You will need to total the results for the reporting period yourself and put that new total on the screen. Then, hit Save and Exit if you are done for now. If you are at the point where you can submit your totals to your DC, hit the Submit and Exit button and you will get the same popup discussed in previous slides appear and ask if you are sure you wish to submit your numbers.

9 Once done, you will see the log on screen again
Once done, you will see the log on screen again. To quit out of the system, simply log out of the internet.

10 Simulation is Complete
AARP Tax-Aide Simulation is Complete Questions For questions, please refer to the volunteer extranet, the self help materials, or ask your DC for guidance.

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