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Teaching and learning approaches to take the angst out of A Level

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1 Teaching and learning approaches to take the angst out of A Level
Teachit Language Teaching and learning approaches to take the angst out of A Level

2 What is Teachit Language?
A project to provide comprehensive support for A Level English Language The development of complete units of work to support modules and topics A partnership with teachers, academics and organisations such as the OED and the British Library A focus on challenging and enjoyable active learning “There’s nothing like this anywhere else… it’s fantastic to see the start of a really innovative set of resources, teaching materials and approaches to language topics” Dan Clayton, St Frances Xavier College, London

3 Teachit Language – so far…
Blog: follow the development of Louise (3) and Spike (18 months) Technonanny Mixed resources: principles and practices of Language Investigation Hot on the Trail Authentic audio: talking transcripts for Child Language Acquisition Tom’s Busy Day Photo walkabout: image collections for classification practice She Sells Sea Shells Audio walkabout: talking transcripts for spoken language study Talk Talk British Library facsimile micro-texts: historical language change Texts in Context A student mini-investigation: contemporary language change Tart A video visit to the orthodontist’s: language and occupation Open Wide

4 Language and occupation

5 Contemporary language change

6 TEXTS IN CONTEXT Historical language change
Contemporary language change TEXTS IN CONTEXT

7 TALK TALK Spoken language
Man: Hello this is the train manager speaking I’d like to welcome passengers who just joined this train at Readin (4) also to advise all passengers that have been on this train up from the West of England (.) that I’m pleased to announce the train is now runnin on time (2) seventeen thirty seven departure from readin (.) and we’re due to arrive into London paddington at eighteen oh five

8 Spoken language acquisition

9 Spoken language TOM’S BUSY DAY

10 ◦ Language investigation HOT ON THE TRAIL
SMS Text Messaging Survey Heard/Use Agree Disagree The Scottish student’s SMS homework is like the kind of language I use in my mobile phone text messages I think text messaging is a lazy language I tend not to worry about punctuating my SMS messages I add my own textisms to the phones dictionary I never use SMS text messaging spellings in my school and/or college work

11 Child language acquisition

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