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Buyer Mastery Train-the-Manager
Helping you launch this program in your office
Agenda Program components, overview and pre-work Pilot Office Results
Session by Session Breakdown Resources Available Program Set-up (Step-by-Step) Give out Certificates Regional Trainer Support
A new program to increase your sales and your confidence!
Program Components Four sessions, meet once a week over four weeks. Focused on handling buyer calls, closing for appointments, meeting face-to-face Effectively preparing for and conducting open houses Learn and practice the Buyer Consultation Sales Associates work in teams and compete for prizes Small prizes in first four weeks. Incentive for securing 2 booked sales. Prize for team with most points
We visited open houses and listened to calls to prepare for these two pilots. Added credibility to the program. Recognized strengths and focused associates on where they needed work.
Pilot Office Open Houses
OH Date 2 or more directional Signs Did they collect contact info? Asked to Buy House? Asked to Meet? Referred to GSM 1/25/2015 1 1/11/2015 1/18/2015 10 9 4 6 90% 100% 0% 40% 60%
Pilot Office Calls Agent Totals “Closer” Totals
Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 2: Getting Started Pilot Office Calls Agent Totals Number of Audited Calls 14 Average Call Length 7 min. Asked for Appointment 64% Secured Appointment 29% “Closer” Totals Number of Audited Calls 10 Average Call Length 2 min. Asked for Appointment 89% Secured Appointment 78% Weichert University October
What would happen if we more than DOUBLED our Lead-to-Appointment Ratio?
100 Calls 29 Appointments (current rate) 3.61% Conversion (current rate) 78 Appointments (what if ) ?
Pilot Office Results Piloted in two offices with approximately 35 in each pilot (office size was 116 active associates). We tracked trained associates from the rest of the office population four months following the pilot program launch.
Leadership was Key Sales Manager and GSM led the way and encouraged the Sales Associates. They embraced the program and followed up with their Sales Associates. We discussed real challenges at open houses and on the phone and how to overcome them. It was all about getting face-to-face.
It Works, It REALLY Works!
We conducted two pilot programs with approximately 35 sales associates in each Buyer Mastery Attendee % Difference in Sales* Office % Difference in Sales Pilot Office A +157% +26% Pilot Office B +40% -3.77% *Tracked four months after the program against the same time period the prior year and then compared to the office performance.
Session-by-Session Breakdown
Each session runs from 9:30 to 2:30 with a half hour lunch
Session 1: Getting Started
Program Set-up, Teams, Incentives, Points & Prizes Review the Market, Review our Numbers Set the stage for focusing on Opens and WLN Get the Appointment Call Session Compelling reason to meet (your value) Buyer Consultation materials hand out & assignment to assemble and customize their consultation
Session 2: Make the Most of Your Opens
Team roll up and prizes Where are you with Open Houses? Driving Traffic Conducting the Open House Objections and What to do about them Call Session Open House Follow-up Display board – give out materials and assignment to create their own Open House Display board (if in budget)
Session 3: Building Buyer Loyalty
Team roll up and prizes What’s your compelling reason to meet? Why do a buyer consultation? Overcoming the push-back Call Session Key Skills for the Buyer Consultation with page by page review and discussion Introduce the GSM Assignment (Prepare for team presentations and use the Open House Display at your Open House)
Session 4: Practice Makes Perfect
Team roll up and prizes Teams present assigned section of Buyer Consultation Feedback and Discussion Call Session Reminder of Sales Contest and incentive Session Wrap-up
Resources to help you facilitate the program.
Everything You Need . . . Resources to help you facilitate the program.
Where are you? How do your sales associates handle open houses?
How do they handle the initial inquiry from a lead/customer over the phone?
Program Preparation for Open Houses
Have some “Under Cover Open Houses” in advance of the program to assess where your sales associates are in their effectiveness. Use the Buyer Mastery Metrics Excel spreadsheet to identify what to measure. Recommend auditing 6 to 10 open houses depending upon your office size. Secure the help of friends and family to serve as Open House guests. Report on results in this first session.
Suggestions for Under Cover Bosses at Opens
If there are “real” customers at the open house, ask your Under Cover Boss to politely excuse herself/himself (tell them to say they forgot something in the car). You DON’T want your associates pulled away from REAL customers. At the conclusion, ask your Under Cover Boss to reveal himself and give a prize. While you won’t get information about how they follow-up, they will not get frustrated that a ‘customer’ isn’t calling them back or that they have spent time and energy following up with the ‘customer’ that is actually your Under Cover Boss.
Pilot Office Open Houses
OH Date 2 or more directional Signs Did they collect contact info? Asked to Buy House? Asked to Meet? Referred to GSM 1/25/2015 1 1/11/2015 1/18/2015 10 9 4 6 90% 100% 0% 40% 60% What do you think? What’s working well and what should we focus on?
Program Preparation for Weichert Lead Network
Audit 15 to 20 WLN Calls, measuring the effectiveness of the calls using the Buyer Mastery Metrics Excel spreadsheet to identify what to measure. Randomly pull calls of those sales associates you know will be participating in the pilot. Report on results in this first session. NOTE: If you do NOT want to take the time to do these studies, delete the slides that reference them.
Number of Audited Calls
Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 2: Getting Started XX Office Call Audit Agent Totals Number of Audited Calls 14 Average Call Length 7 min. Asked for Appointment 64% Secured Appointment 29% Weichert University October
Call Audit Call Length Asked for Appmnt Secured Appmnt Meet Location
Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 2: Getting Started Call Length Asked for Appmnt Secured Appmnt Meet Location Notes 11 min Yes Property 6 min No Will call back 3 min 43 sec Will call back to see if they can get into property 4.5 min 4 min 11 min 45 sec Asked if prequalified 12 min 1 min 45 sec Lots of information given 4 min 41 sec 15 min 34 sec On computer. Buyer consult over phone. 3 min 54 sec 2 min 32 sec 7 min 33 sec Will call listing agent to see if they can get in 3 min 37 sec Weichert University October
Actual Call Sample . . . Customer: “Should we set the time on Monday maybe come and see you?” Sales Associate: “No. Let me check it out first. Make sure everything’s available and then I’ll call you back and then we’ll set up something.”
Actual Call Sample . . . Customer: “Just started but I am looking to if I find something suitable I’d be ready to execute immediately. I’m not just looking. I’m looking to buy.” Call Time: Over 8 minutes No appointment set, despite customer’s request to meet
Step-by-step instructions to prepare for a successful program
Program Set-up Step-by-step instructions to prepare for a successful program
Review program materials and print, order, edit.
Listen to Calls and Observe Open Houses
Promote the Program Use the Buyer Mastery Promotion slides
Edit them (with YOUR incentive, prizes, dates, etc.). Present at your sales meetings. Consider CHARGING your Sales Associates a “Materials Fee” to cover the cost of the materials, including the Open House display boards and then say: When you secure two booked units within the contest time period, I’ll return your $$ AND give you XYZ. 30% of your office participates? You will see results.
Buyer Mastery Budget Sample budget based on 20 participants with 5 per team: Participant Materials $30 X 20 $600 1st Purchase Order Open House materials $46.00 each X 20 $920 2nd Purchase Order Weekly prizes for Winning Team for 3 weeks $100 Call Session Prizes (4) for 4 weeks $40 Lunch for participants – 4 weeks $500 Winning Team Lunch for 3-month Contest $250 Winning Team Prize $250 Incentive (calculate 30% of participants $630 earning the incentive) $90 each X 7 TOTAL $3,290 This is an example only. Calculate costs based on number of participants. All text in purple is contained in the 2nd Purchase Order and must be approved by RVP.
An Incentive for Completing . . .
When you attend every session (4 workshops), Complete the session Assignments, Meet weekly with your teams and Book TWO sales (Between XX Date and XX Date) You will receive __________________ Recommend making the contest period a total of three to four months. Choose an incentive that will be meaningful to participants. Keep track of attendance as this is a qualifier for the incentive.
Personalized Cutting Board for Your Buyers’ Kitchen
Reverse side brands you! $90. Order through Rachel and your office will be charged.
Sales Contest! Team with the most points from XX date to XX date wins ____________ PLUS the winners enjoy a great luncheon Let’s break into our teams now: 1) Decide on a team name and 2) Agree on a day/time to meet each week OUTSIDE these sessions through the contest.
Buyer Mastery Materials
Dialogue & Tips Guide Buyer Consultation & Flip Book Program Participant Guide Order the flip book through CF $30.00 plus S&H Buyer Mastery Tip Cards
Buyer Mastery Materials
Open House Display Board Materials
Open House display boards: $46.00 per person Go to Open Houses You can order the boards from Staples and the sturdy display pockets from
Order Your Materials Rachel Siconolfi at , will order materials for you. We need a 10-day lead time. Cost for materials is $24.00 per person plus S&H (with the Flip Book, it’s $30) Date of session Number of participants Where the materials should be delivered Office Charge code With the Open House Display Board costs of $46.00 per person it comes to a total of $ If you charged $75 materials fee and returned it after they attended all four workshops, you would get a better Return On Your Investment.
Purchase Request/Ordering Materials
Call Rachel with approximate number of participant materials needed (she can adjust BEFORE she orders materials but PO needs to get into Concur quickly). Rachel will generate a purchase request/order through the Concur system. Manager orders the flip books in Central Fulfillment (T435). Manager creates a Purchase Request in Concur for all other expenses (see Buyer Mastery Budget slide). The “vendor” will be the office manager or designate, and as items are purchased, the cost should be submitted as an expense reimbursement against this purchase order.
Distribution Code will fill in automatically with your office information. Expense type should be (materials) or 8274 (food)
Secure Their Commitment
If you don’t charge them, you’re spending a significant amount of $$ on them and you should secure their commitment. Edit this form and have each person agree and sign.
Set Up slides Session One
Buyer Mastery Set Up slides Session One
Session 1: Program Set-Up Instructions
Promote the program and identify good Team Leaders who will be enthusiastic, supportive, engaged and committed to all sessions. Use the Buyer Mastery Promotion slides to gain buy-in and commitment. Decide on an Incentive for attending all sessions and meeting the production requirement. Change the requirement to meet your office goals (see slide 12) Edit the Buyer Mastery Commitment form to include your session dates, times and incentive. Ask Sales Associates to agree to and sign this form. Materials Needed: Flip Chart, paper, markers Blank index cards on each team table for each team member Prepare for your Call Session. Secure Names and Phone Numbers to invite neighbors to upcoming Open Houses (use a free 30-day Trial to Cole Realty Resource). Ask sales associates to bring their Sphere of Influence, leads, Open House guest registers to make follow up calls Make copies of the Buyer Needs Assessment from (Getting to Know You and Your Next Home) Order Flip books to hold the Buyer Consultation (order from Staples or for co. owned offices, from CF #T435 at a cost of $7.75) Order from Weichert University (Rachel Siconolfi, ) for each participant is $30. This includes: Color pages of the Buyer Consultation Buyer Mastery participant guides Buyer Mastery Cards Buyer Consultation Dialogue & Tips guide
Modify all text in purple for your program and market.
Enter Team Leaders and Team Members names on slide 12. Keep track of attendance using the Buyer Mastery Attendance sheet. Team Contest: Teams compete for weekly prizes in the workshop sessions and for a final prize at the conclusion of the contest. Determine contest duration (3 to 4 months). Decide on a prize for the winner of each call session for session 2, 3 and 4. The Sales Associate with the MOST appointments wins the prize. Decide on small weekly prizes (for workshops 2, 3 and 4) and final prize. These are small prizes to award everyone on the winning team for that week. The team with the most points each week for session 2, 3 and 4 win a small prize. For Company-owned offices: Purchase Weichert-branded prizes through Brown & Bigelow or another vendor who provides Weichert promotional items. Contact Anna Cooper in Purchasing for guidance. For Weichert Affiliates: Purchase Weichert-branded prizes through Brown & Bigelow Collect your office stats for slide 23, 24 and 38 to populate these slides. Edit the Team Tracking Handout and give to Team Leaders to keep track of his/her team’s points each week. Roll up the numbers each week.
Create a flip chart in advance to prepare for the call session
Create a flip chart in advance to prepare for the call session. Leave room to record Team Name, Team Leader and Time/Date the Teams will meet outside the workshops. See visual below. Hold them accountable to meet and prospect together, make follow-up Open House calls, WLN follow up calls, Neighborhood calls, etc. together as a team. Roll up their numbers EACH week for the duration of the contest period (3 to 4 months) using the Buyer Mastery Team Tracking Sheet. When they get into their teams, record their: Team Name/Team Leader Name Date/time they will meet weekly Check in on the teams each week. Ask how it’s going. Stop in an offer prospecting tips during their team meetings. Considering leaving off the titles and headline until just BEFORE the Call Session. Flip Chart Sample Create for every session.
Set Up slides Session Two
Buyer Mastery Set Up slides Session Two
Session 2: Program Set-Up Instructions Materials Needed:
DELETE this slide and next after reviewing instructions and acting upon them! Session 2: Program Set-Up Instructions Materials Needed: Flip Chart, paper, markers Index cards with a different Open House Challenge on each (Record on each index card a challenge below) Getting them to sign the register Securing accurate contact information “I’m already working with an agent.” “I like this house, but I can’t afford it.” “I’m not ready to meet. Just starting out in the process and getting a feel for the market.” Not making a move any time soon. Too many people at the open all at once Sales Associates should complete the online Buyer Consultation course to earn 5 bonus points and CUSTOMIZE their Buyer Consultation and bring it in to earn 5 bonus points (see next slide for examples). Prepare for your Call Session. Secure Names and Phone Numbers to invite neighbors to upcoming Open Houses (use a free 30-day Trial to Cole Realty Resource). Ask sales associates to bring their Sphere of Influence, leads, Open House guest registers to make follow up calls. Modify all text in purple for your program and market.
DELETE this slide after reviewing instructions and acting upon them!
Prepare a roll up of all the Under Cover Boss Open Houses visited. See example on slide 10. Recognize good performance and good technique from the open houses. See example on slide 9. Order Open House materials (if you have this in your budget). Find instructions and where to secure materials under WeichertOne, Holding an Open House. $46.00 per board. What does CUSTOMIZE your Buyer Consultation mean? Prepare all the handouts and put them in the blank, left plastic sleeve opposite the color buyer consultation page so you have the handout ready to give to the Buyer (e.g., actual MLS sheets with properties that sold in under 30 days in the left plastic sleeve opposite this visual). Place your Business Card in the front cover sleeve of the flip book so you don’t accidently pick up someone else’s buyer consultation. Replace the generic Gold Services Team and the generic Resume with YOURS
Set Up Slides Session Three
Buyer Mastery Set Up Slides Session Three
Session 3: Program Set-Up Instructions Materials Needed:
Flip Chart, paper, markers Buyer Consultation Materials Checklist from WeichertOne, Working with Buyers. Buyer Consultation Skills checklist on the Buyer Mastery web page Getting to Know You and Your Next Home from WeichertOne, Working with Buyers
Program Set-Up Instructions
Sales Associates should show a photo of their Open House display board or bring it in and explain how they used it at the most recent Open House to earn 5 bonus points. Prepare for your Call Session. Secure Names and Phone Numbers to invite neighbors to upcoming Open Houses (use a free 30-day Trial to Cole Realty Resource). Ask sales associates to bring their Sphere of Influence, leads, Open House guest registers to make follow up calls. Modify all text in purple for your program and market.
Set Up Slides Session Four
Buyer Mastery Set Up Slides Session Four
Session 4: Program Set-Up Instructions
Materials Needed: Buyer Consultation Skills checklist on the Buyer Mastery web page. Use this for each person’s presentation to record what they did well and what they might consider for next time. Lead a feedback discussion after each team presents their assigned pages. Elicit feedback and then provide your own starting with the positives and providing alternate dialogue or tips after discussing the positives. Hand each person their written feedback after each team presents Encourage all Sales Associates to use this checklist to take notes and provide helpful feedback. Sales Associates should bring their CUSTOMIZED Buyer Consultations to the session along with all their materials (Getting to Know You and Your Next Home, MLS sheets of properties that have sold in UNDER 30 days, Guide to the Process, Weichert Brochure, etc.) Prepare for your Call Session. Secure Names and Phone Numbers to invite neighbors to upcoming Open Houses (use a free 30-day Trial to Cole Realty Resource). Ask sales associates to bring their Sphere of Influence, leads, Open House guest registers to make follow up calls. Bonus Points: Award 5 points to each person in a team that used their Open House display board at their open house this past week (have them show you a photo) Modify all text in purple for your program and market. After the contest edit the Achievement Certificates and give to all those who attended all four sessions and met weekly in their teams.
Buyer Mastery Timeline
What to do, When
Decide on Incentives and Contest and edit the Associate Commitment form. Edit Promotion Slides.
Promote the program at Sales Meeting Labor Day Promote the program at Sales Meeting Rosh Hashanah Finalize attendee list and edit Session 1 Open House Undercover Boss Promote the program at Sales Meeting Select Team Leaders Yom Kippur Open House Undercover Boss Sign up for Cole 30-day free Trial Pull Call Lists for Rental areas, etc. Meet with Team Leaders. Give them Team Tracking Handout. Review program. Ask for their help/leadership. Order Materials
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
Listen to WLN Calls. Document in Buyer Mastery Metrics file. Listen to WLN Calls. Document in Buyer Mastery Metrics file. Secure small prizes for weekly contests Complete edits to Session 1 Print Materials (Attendance Sheet, Buyer Needs Assessment, etc.) Update Team Tracking Sheet & Attendance Session Prep Session 1 Update Team Tracking Sheet & Attendance Session Prep Session 2 Update Team Tracking Sheet & Attendance Session Prep Session 3 Update Team Tracking Sheet & Attendance Session Prep Session 4 Update Team Tracking Sheet Weekly through remainder of Contest At the end of the 3-month Contest, hand out Achievement Certificates, prizes, incentives.
Give out Certificates!
Regional Trainer Support
Your Regional Trainer can help
Regional Trainer Support
Your Regional Trainer has been briefed on this program. They can assist in the delivery, but you need to take the lead with the preparation, promotion, materials production, ordering and tracking. Ask him/her to assist in kick-off or running a few sessions. Those who alternate Fast Track (every other month), can do more.
What further questions do you have?
Thank you for your engagement today!
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