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Family and Consumer Sciences

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1 Family and Consumer Sciences
in the NIFA Context Outcomes of the FCS Stakeholder Input & Strategic Planning Meeting February 2010

2 Background February 8-10th DC Goal
To set the strategic direction and continue gathering input from FCS Leaders representing land-grant universities, Cooperative Extension Services, and key partnerships for FCS and its role in research, education and Extension at the national level.

3 Background Facilitation Stakeholders Functions & Disciplines Regions
Professional Organizations & Stakeholder Groups APLU, BoHS, CAFCS, NCFR, AAFCS, NEAFCS, ACCI, 4-H

4 Objectives Definition, Vision & Mission
Language Alignment, Branding, & Communications Plan Logic Model w/Measurable Outcomes Research Capacities Partnerships National FCS Workgroup

5 Definition Family and Consumer Sciences is the integrative, multidisciplinary field of science that studies relationships among humans and their environments to foster quality of life, strengthen communities, and achieve a healthy and sustainable world.

6 Tagline Family and Consumer Sciences… …advancing the human dimensions
of food and agriculture.

7 Vision Breakthroughs are made in the human dimensions of food and agriculture because of Family and Consumer Sciences.

8 Mission To focus on the human dimensions of food and agriculture in addressing priority issues through scientific research and its application; strategic partnerships; Extension education; and the preparation of the next generation of human sciences professionals.

9 NIFA Priority Issues Global Food Security and Hunger Climate Change
Sustainable Energy Childhood Obesity Food Safety

10 Next Steps Logic Model Communications Plan
Research Capacity Development Strategic Partnerships National FCS Workgroup

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