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Pragmatic Trial Designs

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1 Pragmatic Trial Designs
Cathleen Colon-Emeric, MD, MHS Jane Pendergast, PhD


3 Complex Interventions often fall on the “Pragmatic” end of Spectrum

4 3 General Design Categories
Individually Randomized Trial Individually Randomized Group Treatment Trial Group Randomized Trial (a.k.a. Cluster Randomized Trial) Match Game Inouye Hospital Elder Life Program Allen Group PT for OA Trial Edinger CBT for Primary Insomnia Trial Tinetti Fall Prevention Program Tannenbaum EMPOWER Benzodiazepine Deprescribing trial

5 Issues with Groups Chance of confounding: IRT<IRGTT<GRT
Impact of within-group correlation Extra variation attributable homogeneity within groups and variation among groups (=ICC=intraclass correlation coefficient) Increased type 1 error rate Increased sample size for same power More complicated analysis approaches that account for clustering Time as a factor Post-test only Pre-post test Extended designs

6 Group Membership Can Change over Time
Nested Cohort Nested Cross-Sectional

7 Additional Threats to Validity in GRTs
Approaches Selection Differential history (external influences) Differential maturation (members change at different rate by group) Contamination Matching/stratification or Constrained allocation Predict, measure Matching, pre-post designs Careful group selection, withhold key resources

8 Other Cool Designs to Consider
Adaptive Trials Group Sequential/Stepped Wedge Discontinuity Preference Trials Platform Trials Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomization (SMART)/ Dynamic Treatment Trials

9 Adaptive Trials Pre-planned modifications to the trial based on data accumulating during the study Revise sample size Drop an intervention arm Adaptive randomization Enrichment designs - change recruitment criteria to focus on subgroups particularly benefiting Require interim analyses and type 1 error penalties Some adaptations are still controversial; may impact integrity and validity of the study.

10 Example: Platform Trials
Efficiently evaluate multiple treatments/combinations in heterogeneous populations Disease not treatment is the focus

11 Multiple Baseline Design

12 Stepped Wedge Need to roll out groups over time for policy or logistical reasons

13 Discontinuity Trials Unethical to randomize

14 Preference Trials Patient preference for treatment may lead to selection or performance bias

15 SMART and Dynamic Treatment Trials
Real-world practice dynamic and changes by patient adherence/response Identify optimal treatment algorithm

16 Designing a Pragmatic Trial
Before you decide to design a pragmatic trial, it is always a good idea to talk with someone who has implemented one similar to what you are proposing. The term “pragmatic” implies that you will have some constraints to work around (as compared to an individually-randomized trial) that can be difficult to maneuver. Analyses of the data from these trials can be more difficult, and suffer more from issues such as missing data/dropout/changes in environment, etc.

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