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Bi-plasma interactions on femtosecond time-scales

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1 Bi-plasma interactions on femtosecond time-scales
Presented by Emily Sprague PULSE Institute, Aaron Lindenberg, Dan Daranciang, & Haidan Wen

2 Overview Background Experimental Setup Results Conclusions Future Work
Plasma Filamentation THz generation Experimental Setup Results Conclusions Future Work Courtesy of

3 Ultrafast pulses are on the order of the femtosecond (10 − 15 second)
Created by mode-locked oscillators Ti:sapphire oscillators wavelengths of 680 nm to 1130 nm Optimization Minimal chirp Large bandwidth Used to generate plasma

4 Plasma is formed through a process called photoionization
Photons from an external source are absorbed by a gas, emitting electrons Because of abundance of charge carriers, interacts with itself and surrounding EM fields Used in THz generation Simplest example is photoelectric effect Courtesy of

5 THz radiation are E&M waves with frequencies of ~ 1012 Hz
Could potentially replace x-rays as a form of non-ionizing radiation Applications in medical imaging, material science studies, and atomic spectroscopy 5 types of plasma-based generation methods Courtesy of

6 AC-bias method produces a transverse polarization without use of electrodes
Superposition of fundamental and second-harmonic pulse fields Optimization Relative phase shift Exact temporal overlap Polarization Courtesy of M.D. Thomson, M. Kreß, T. Loffler, and H.G. Roskos. Laser & Photon. Rev. 1, No. 4, 349–368 (2007)

7 Studying multiple plasmas could lead to production of more efficient THz radiation
Ti:sapphire laser 50 fs 800 nm pulse Mirrors Lenses f=100 mm (beam 2) f=200 mm (beam 1) Beam splitter Controls polarization beam 1: p-polarized beam 2: s-polarized Delay Stage Controls path length and relative delay between arrival of plasmas

8 Polarization studies s-p polarized s-s polarized p-p polarized
Beam 2 vertically polarized Beam 1 horizontally polarized s-s polarized Beam 1 and beam 2 vertically polarized p-p polarized Beam 1 and beam 2 horizontally polarized

9 Time delay studies Before time-zero: no plasma interaction
Time zero: both plasmas arrive and interfere After time-zero: secondary fluorescence

10 Camera images (from above) of bi-plasma overlap
Before time zero Time Zero: two plasmas arrive simultaneously After time zero

11 Origin of dramatic enhancement at time zero is not understood

12 Results (cont’d)

13 Trends

14 Conclusions Peak intensity and point of decay consistently occurred at the same time values Decay time was constant across all polarizations (~50 steps) All power levels and polarization sets experienced a full decay back to the starting intensities No valuable data was obtained below a power of 250 mW Peak intensity was always strongest for s-p polarizations and weakest for p-p polarizations

15 Conclusions (cont’d) Slope of the decay decreased with decreasing power in stationary arm Peak and decay ratios increased with decreasing power in the stationary arm Results are reproducible Spike at time zero is dramatic and still not understood by scientific community

16 Future Work Time dependent spectral studies of plasma
Analysis of wavelengths of plasma fluorescence Resolve between scattering or enhanced tunneling ionization Better camera resolution Courtesy of

17 Thank you!

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