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Information Evening Year 3 and 4 Spelling.

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1 Information Evening Year 3 and 4 Spelling

2 National Requirements 2014
National Curriculum 2014

3 How we teach spellings - Y3
1. Teach a rule in discreet lesson 2. The next day we go over the rule 3. Revise the rule from previous week 4. Revise rule from a month a go

4 Y4 lesson Here are 4 ways to make the /shun/ sound -tion –sion –ssion -cian
Make a list of all the words you can think of using this sound and try to group them.

5 -tion Action Temptation Completion -sion Tension Version Excursion -ssion Permission Obsession Confession -cian Musician Magician Electrician Now can you think of the rule?

6 -tion root word ends in -t or –te, drop e and add tion
-sion root word ends in -s or –se, drop e and add sion -ssion root word ends in -ss or –mit -cian root word ends in -c or -s, or –cs where the s is dropped

7 -tion –sion –ssion -cian
Spaced retrieval Use a word from each group in a sentence -tion –sion –ssion -cian

8 Year 3 and 4 Word list We also need to spell these words Spelling List
By end of year 3 children need to be able to spell 50% of them to reach the expected standard in writing. By end of Year 4 ALL OF THEM in order to reach the expected standard in writing.

9 Assessment Requirements Year 3
Spell words with additional prefixes and suffixes, for example- dis/mis/in Recognise and spell some homophones correctly- see spelling programme of study Use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary Spell some words from Year 3 and 4 word list correctly (approx. 50%) Identify the root in longer words

10 Assessment requirements Year 4
Spell words with additional prefixes and suffixes and understand how to add them to root words, for example- ation, ous, ion, ian. Recognise and spell additional homophones, for example- except and accept, whose and who’s. Use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary. Spell correctly word families based on common words, for example- solve, solution, solver. Spell identified commonly misspelt words from Year 3 and 4 word list

11 Editing After writing Use dictionaries Peers Then we assess!
Summer Term –Focus is on the word list as we have covered all statutory rules

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