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Treatment of Clients Experiencing Depression

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1 Treatment of Clients Experiencing Depression
A Collaborative Approach to Care January 27, 2018 * Tex-CHIP Training Series

2 Role of Nutrition & Lifestyle in Prevention/Management of Depression Symptoms

3 Understanding Provider Role in Preventing and Treating Depression
Dietitians: Community vs. Clinical Community – prevention is goal Clinical – treatment, with some prevention opportunities Disease self-management and self-efficacy No food support Children: parents not giving independence to child w/disease Young Adults: eating disorders, excessive drinking Older Adults: loneliness I work in community and clinical in a way with the diabetes program. One place where I see depression is in diabetes, and especially in the complications such as dialysis.

4 Considerations when Interacting with Clients
Overweight or obese Lack quality sleep Sedentary lifestyle Disease state Food security Food patterns with no vegetables, fruits, processed foods Poor appetite, skipping meals, dominant desire for sweet foods

5 Deficiencies in Key Nutrients
Omega 3 (essential fatty acid) Amino Acids: Tryptophan (essential) & Tyrosine Carbohydrates from whole grains Proteins B-complex Vitamins Folate Chromium Selenium Zinc

6 Goals & Related Interventions
Knowledge of disease Food security intake quality variety Interventions: Education for disease Food support: food bank, gardening, SNAP, Meals on Wheels, Congregate meal sites Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, dairy, eggs Supplement Omega 3 (1-3g/day)

7 Measuring Outcomes/ Success
2-Question Food Insecurity Screener: 1. Within the past 12 months we worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more 2. Within the past 12 months the food we bought just didn't last and we didn't have money to get more. Often, Sometimes, Never True Food support given More confidence in managing disease Eating healthier (however small improvement) “Feel better”

8 Communication with Counselors
We need you! Source of depression Report on diet quality Food security status/socio-economic Ask if they enjoyed working with RD What RDs want to know from you

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