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CLIL Italian St. Monica’s College

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1 CLIL Italian St. Monica’s College

2 The Content Language Integrated Learning method (CLIL) was coined in the mid-1990s in Europe .
It responded to the need of offering more opportunities for students to extend the knowledge of the language acquired in schools, in order to promote cultural and business exchange amongst the countries of the European Community. As for the European case, our school community is enriched by the multicultural contribution that each child imports into our environment.

3 CLIL Italian as a Specialist Program
The program runs from Year 7 to Year 9 Subjects involved: Humanities (Geography and History), Religious Education and LOTE Italian. Language exposure CLIL is about offering to our student the opportunity to develop their language skills while at school, and in maximising the chances of extending their learning abilities beyond the 3 periods a week, as established for traditional LOTE classes.

4 Content taught in class
CLIL students will receive the same content knowledge as other students. Some deadlines for class tasks and assessments might vary in order to accommodate the implementation of the foreign language acquired in class. However, students will submit the same tasks established for mainstream students. Expectations Same expectations as per mainstream students. Tests and Exams Formal assessments such as the End of Semester Exams are completed in English (e.g. essays). There might be selected parts of the exam in Italian but generally, these refer to exercises that mirror the ones practised in class, prior to the exam. Formative assessments, like tests or tasks, will be partially in Italian. Homework No more than non-CLIL students.

5 Why choose CLIL? Skills Studies show that the CLIL approach can be beneficial for our students in many ways. Students who are bilingual (Dale & Tanner, 2012): Develop flexible thinking (problem solving, evaluating and analysing skills, etc…) Become better communicators as they tend to be more attentive towards the audience they are addressing, they are more aware of use of language conventions and they convey specific language to express concepts. Develop good negotiating skills (internationally minded and aware of cultural diversities). Become more proficient in using the written and aural language. Feel more in control of the language when they are formally assessed in the senior years of schooling (e.g. VCE Italian/History). The future of LOTE in tertiary education: language programs at Universities (last accessed October 2018) . Please consult the University/Exchange programs online.

6 Information in the College Website:

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