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© Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 Real-time database linking using the.

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1 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 Real-time database linking using the

2 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 Does your organisation maintain more than one database?

3 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 Can the same John Smith exist in more than one of them?

4 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 Would you like to see de-duplication of John Smith in real- time, a single view of John Smith at the click of a button and customised reports by simple drag & drop without any modifications to your existing applications?

5 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 If so, you need the

6 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006

7 With System Integration Server the database linking process begins by de-duplicating, replicating and cross-referencing the contact records from all the databases to be linked into a Central Repository (CERES) Use the De-duplicator to cleanse your data

8 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 Adding records without duplicating This is a unique feature of the System Integration Server. It gives the user control to avoid duplicating a record. No other auto-linking method does this The Search Pop-Up involves no modifications to any of the linked applications. the System Integration Server detects the inserted record and traces the desktop from where entered... all in the background and all automatically When a contact record is inserted in any of the linked databases a Search Results screen from CERES pops up on the users screen showing possible matches. The user is then invited to select a match or add the record inserted as a new record in CERES

9 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 Update and Delete across databases in one stroke Updating and Deleting records is just as seamless. When a user Updates or Deletes a record in any application the changes are applied to any other database where the record is held The System Integration Server Replicator constantly reads the transaction log of each of the linked applications and applies the changes to all relevant databases in the system The System Integration Server Replicator is fully configurable. It can be used to check and replicate any record, not just contact records. This can provide an organisation with whatever degree of integration it requires as well as business rule enforcement

10 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 The activity of a contact with the organisation is brought together into a Central Data Warehouse (CDW)

11 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 A user can open the Single Contact View (SCV) by either clicking the SCV button on the desktop and entering the contact details or by selecting the record in any of the linked applications and then clicking the SCV button The availability of the SCV button on user desktops involves no modifications to any of the linked applications. System Integration Server traces automatically the record selected whichever application is being used This is another unique feature of the System Integration Server. Users can use existing applications to capture and process data and have the combined view of activity from all applications at a click of a button Instant Profiling Summary Information Down to the Detail

12 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 In addition to providing a way to link applications together, the System Integration Server also provides a way to log communications, create relationships between contacts and categorise contacts for marketing purposes Communication planning, personalisation and segmentation are essential tools for database marketing

13 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 The CDW and Segmentation provide an easy way for drag & drop data extraction using DexPro Click icon to view DexPro demo

14 © Single Click Solutions Ltd – 5 March 2006 See also:Featured Products: For further information: Tel: +44(0)208 882 6864 Click relevant icon to view demo Due for release 3 rd and 4 th Quarter 2007

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