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1 Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT)
Please start your session with this slide. Margaret Najjingo Mangheni (Makerere University) Hale Ann Tufan (Cornell University)

2 Why GREAT? The social cultural reality of men and women influences their agricultural needs and priorities. Agricultural research projects designed without consideration of how research outputs will impact both men and women are not widely adopted and fail to achieve equitable outcomes.

3 What is GREAT? Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) Makerere University- Cornell University certificate program 5 year Project ( ), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

4 Roadmap Week 1 Field Grants Field Work Phase Week 2 Seed Grants
Self realization, conceptual clarity, and interdisciplinarity Methodology: qualitative and quantitative Research question and case study Impact assessment and participatory methods Week 1 Field Grants Research planning and data collection Field Work Phase Data analysis and reporting Communicating to policy makers and the community Institutional transformation Community of Practice (CoP) Week 2 Seed Grants

5 Unique characteristics
Inter-disciplinarity—training teams of breeders and social scientists Phased approach: theory-practical field application-reflection, analysis and publication Mentoring by gender experts in the field Community of practice (connections for post training professional interactions among fellows and trainers)

6 GREAT-DLB Phase II Collaboration
Objective 1: Continuing professional development of plant breeding alumni Identifying and responding to gender issues in breeding priority setting, program design and implementation, varietal dissemination is a key skill for DLB alumni GREAT offers tested content for plant breeding teams-- can be further tailored to DLB training needs, timeline and audience  Activities: Design tailored courses for continuing professional development of breeders under the DLB program. Integrate gender into DLB modules and content for delivery

7 GREAT-DLB Phase II Collaboration
Objective 3: Implementation of demand led breeding   The intersection between gender and demand is complex, each shaping the other through gender roles, power relations and norms. Being demand-led AND gender responsive could lead to greater adoption and new markets for improved varieties, as well as equitable impacts from increased adoption and new opportunities Need for gender focused research to understand these issues--backstopped by GREAT fellows in Ghana (CSIR Kumasi) and Rwanda (PABRA/CIAT)

8 GREAT-DLB Phase II Collaboration
Proposed activities: Gender focused research in Ghana and Rwanda, e.g.:  How do gender based constraints and opportunities shape varietal/trait preferences for tomato in Ghana and beans in Rwanda? Who has access to new tomato/bean varieties in Ghana/Rwanda? How does gender impact adoption, access to and control of new varieties? What are key gender issues in tomato/bean seed systems in Ghana/Rwanda that should be considered in dissemination of new varieties? How does gender shape new entrepreneurial opportunities created through the project? Who has rights/access to these new opportunities? (Visioning exercise) How can new opportunities provide equitable opportunities to both men and women in Ghana/Rwanda?

9 Thank you!

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