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Digital Transformation Asia 2018 – CALL FOR SPEAKERS

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1 Digital Transformation Asia 2018 – CALL FOR SPEAKERS

2 Process Review this Digital Transformation Asia 2018 Agenda document and identify a track and session that you would like to present in. Fill out the Call For Speakers Form. If you would like to propose your own presentation or case-study, please fill out Section 2 of the form including a talk outline and an indication of which track is the best fit. Return the Call For Speakers Form to Katrin Peränen –

3 Reimagining OSS/BSS

4 Reimagining OSS/BSS WHAT’S NEXT FOR OSS/BSS? 1. Understanding the Technologies Transforming OSS & BSS 2. Updating the IT Organization Structure for Future OSS & BSS DEFINING THE OSS/BSS OF THE FUTURE 3. Identifying Key Requirements for the Development of OSS & BSS 4. Using Future OSS Orchestration to Enhance Operations and Service Agility 5. Choosing the Best Strategy for OSS/BSS Transformation SUPPORTING NEW BUSINESS MODELS WITH AUTOMATION 6. Delivering Optimal Service through Automated Onboarding 7. Supporting New Services with OSS/BSS 8. Creating a Roadmap for Business Model Transformation 9. Developing an Automated OSS/BSS Testing and Validation Framework CREATING NEW STANDARDS FOR OSS/BSS 10. Realizing the Importance of Common Information and Data Models 11. PANEL: Understanding the Role of ONAP and the Open Network 12. Developing a Blueprint for Rapid Service Deployment 13. PANEL: Increasing Cooperation Between Open Source Projects and Standards Bodies

5 Reimagining OSS/BSS ACHIEVING AGILITY WITH OPEN APIs 14. The Business Case Behind Microservice Architectures 15. The Importance of Trust in the API Economy DATA-CENTRIC OSS/BSS 16. Tapping into the Power of Customer and Network Data 17. Future Data Security for OSS/BSS 18. Identifying New Data-Based Revenue Sources REAL-TIME OSS/BSS FOR OPTIMAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE 19. Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience 20. Business Transformation and End-to-End Digitalization 21. Service Delivery – Regulations & Customer SLA 22. Combining All of the Elements of Digital Transformation

6 Zero-Touch NFV & SDN

7 Zero-Touch NFV/SDN NETWORK ORCHESTRATION & VNF MANAGEMENT 23. Achieving End-To-End Service Orchestration across Hybrid and Multiple Networks 24. Creating a Common Framework to Enable a Clear Path to Orchestration 25. Best Practices for VNF Onboarding 26. Exploring the role of NFV and SDN in realizing 5G CLOUD-NATIVE – THE WAY FORWARD FOR NFV? 27. Understanding the Benefits of Cloud-Native Network Virtualisation 28. Moving Beyond Virtualization to Cloud-Native Function 29. Developing the Skillsets and Tools to Operate and Manage the Cloud-Native Way REALIZING ZERO-TOUCH NFV & SDN 30. Zero-Touch – Identifying the First Steps Toward Fully Automated NFV/SDN 31. Creating Automated End-to-End Network Management 32. Key Enablers for a Hybrid Infrastructure Platform PERFORMANCE, PERFORMANCE, PERFORMANCE - DELIVERING SERVICE ASSURANCE AND QoS 33. Exploring Next Generation Service Assurance Systems 34. Implementing Orchestrated Service Assurance in Virtualized Networks and Service Delivery Architectures 35. VENDOR Q&A: NextGen Service Assurance Enablement

8 Serving the Digital Customer

9 Serving the Digital Customer
DIGITAL OPERATOR 2025 – WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? CXO PANEL SESSION: 2025 Digital Operator – Vision to Reality 49. Building a Digital Transformation Strategy 50. Charting a Roadmap to Digital Success DIGITAL MATURITY - HOW DIGITAL ARE YOU? 51. Creating a Digital Transformation Roadmap MAKING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION HAPPEN - CULTURE & MINDSET 52. Developing a Digital Culture and Mindset FOSTERING OPEN INNOVATION 53. Driving Innovation in the Digital Operator 54. Developing Sustainable Business Models for the Digital Age

10 Serving the Digital Customer
DEVELOPING & MANAGING PARTNERSHIPS & ECOSYSTEMS 55. Creating Successful, Streamlined Partnerships in an Inherently Complex Environment 56. Addressing the Complexity of Emerging Digital Service Models 57. Reinventing the Operator in The Digital Ecosystem LEVERAGING EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES FOR TRANSFORMATION & MONETIZATION 58. Building on a Strong Base – How Operators Can Successfully Monetize IoE 59. Leveraging AI and Machine Learning to Drive your Digital Transformation 60. Assessing the Opportunities for Monetizing Data OPEN APIS & THE PLATFORM ECONOMY 61. Open APIs - Turning Business Strategy into Reality 62. Enabling Platform Business Models with Open APIs 63. Open APIs – Scaling for End-to-End Digital Service Management 64. Adopting Platform-Based Business Models to Successfully Compete in the Digital Ecosystem

11 2025 Digital Operator

12 2025 Digital Operator UNDERSTANDING THE FUTURE OF CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE 36. PANEL: Who is the Digital Customer and What Are Their Needs? 37. Meeting Increased Customer Expectations in the Digital Era 38. Offering a Seamless, Automated, End-to-End Customer Experience 39. APIs as the Enabler for Enhancing Customer Centricity ENGAGING AND EMPOWERING THE DIGITAL CUSTOMER 40. Creating Personalized Engagement for Customers 41. Implementing Self-Service across all Channels to Improve Customer Experience 42. A Look at the Growing Value of Chatbots for the Digital Customer OPTIMIZING DIGITAL CUSTOMER CHANNELS & JOURNEYS 43. Optimizing the Omni-Channel Customer Experience 44. Understanding the Role of Data in Customer Journey Development 45. Supporting Customer Journeys with Optimal System Management 46. Mastering Social Media Channels to Increase Customer Engagement REINFORCING CUSTOMER TRUST 47. Understanding the Customer’s Perspective on Trust 48. Creating Consumer Confidence to Deliver Optimal Customer Experience

13 AI

14 AI AI IN TELECOMS – OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES & RISKS 65. Realizing AI’s Full Potential for The Telco Industry: How Will CSPs Use It and What Are the Opportunities, Challenges and Impact on Your Business? 66. Exploring the Transformative Potential of AI in the Telecoms Industry 67. Are You Ready for AI? - Digital Maturity = AI Readiness 68. Making the Business Case for Investing in AI IT'S ALL ABOUT THE DATA 69. From Data to AI Strategy – Examining the Evolutionary Steps 70. Addressing the Data Health Challenge 71. Standardizing Data Collection and Management 72. Making Data Accessible to Facilitating AI Deployment CULTURE, MINDSET & TALENT 73. Changing Mindset and Culture for AI Adoption 74. PANEL: How to Bridge the AI Skills Gap DEVELOPING AI PARTNERSHIPS 75. Why Partnerships are Crucial to Ensure the Success of your AI strategy 76. Developing Successful Partnerships between Operators and AI Players

15 AI IMPLEMENTING AI TECHNOLOGIES 77. Placing Your Bets - Deciding which AI Technologies to Invest In and Implement 78. Make it Happen – Strategies for Adopting AI Technology INNOVATING WITH DATA ANALYTICS, ML & AI – EXPLORING USE CASES 79. Leveraging AI and Machine Learning to Drive your Digital Transformation 80. Boosting Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning 81. Developing Successful AI-Powered Conversational Interfaces 82. Improving Customer Churn Predictions Using Deep Learning 83. Leveraging AI and Machine Learning to Combat Cybersecurity Threats OPTIMIZING NETWORKS AND OPERATIONS WITH AI 84. Applying Machine Learning for Network Operation and Control 85. AI Meets Agile - Getting More from Machines for Network Management and Optimization

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