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2018 Federal Grant Programs Conference

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1 2018 Federal Grant Programs Conference
Welcome Welcome! 2018 Federal Grant Programs Conference May 30, 2018 WiFi: may Password: may

2 Resource Allocation Strategy and Planning
Changes in DESE’s grants services May 2018

3 Senior Associate Commissioner for Administration and Finance, DESE
Bill Bell Bill Bell Senior Associate Commissioner for Administration and Finance, DESE

4 Director, Resource Allocation Strategy and Planning, DESE
Matt Deninger Matt Deninger Director, Resource Allocation Strategy and Planning, DESE

5 Massachusetts’ goal is to prepare all students for success after high school.
Our college- and career-ready standards are at the core of this work. To support standards-based learning, we believe that every student should engage: with grade-appropriate text every day with meaningful real-world problems every day in scientific conversations using data every week in a school environment that supports social-emotional learning, health, and safety Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5

6 ESE’s strategies to reach our goal
Strengthening standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment Promoting educator development Supporting social-emotional learning, health, and safety Turning around the lowest performing districts and schools Enhancing resource allocation and data use Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 6

7 School-Age and Retirement-Age Population Projections for MA 4% decrease versus 86% increase
Source: UMass Donahue Institute Population Estimates Program, 2015

8 Overall Enrollment Trend in MA Public Schools: 1970 -
953,748 Source: MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2018

9 Population in the US: “Go West (and South), Young Man”
61.7% 38.3% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2017

10 Population in the US: People are moving to metro hubs
53 metropolitan hubs in the U.S. have over 1 million people They account for 56% of the U.S. population Since 2014, they account for 96.4% of U.S. population growth Source: Brookings Institute analysis of Moody’s Analytics Data, 2018

11 Our charge: adapt, and do something about it
Enhancing resource allocation and data use Focus on what we can control: do our very best to work within our fiscal constraints Use data to spot opportunities to create efficiencies Collaborate Share bright spots / scale success

12 Evolution of Resource Allocation Strategy and Planning (RASP)
Movement toward a consolidated federal grants office District DESE Title I Office DESE Title IIA Office DESE Title III Office DESE Special Ed Office DESE CTE Office

13 Evolution of Resource Allocation Strategy and Planning (RASP)
Movement toward a consolidated federal grants office RASP District DESE Title I Office DESE Title IIA Office DESE Title III Office DESE Special Ed Office DESE CTE Office

14 Improved DESE-LEA experience
Each district will have a dedicated liaison in RASP, who will help you with federal entitlement grants in FY19 Titles under ESSA Special Education Career Tech Education Title I (FC 305) – Basic IDEA (FC 240) – K12 entitlement Perkins Secondary (FC 400) Title IIA (FC 140) – Educators IDEA (FC 262) – early childhood Perkins Postsecondary (FC 401) Title III (FC 180) – EL main Title III (FC 184) – Summer EL Title III (FC 186) – Immigrant Title IV (FC 309) – Enrichment Title V (FC 609) – Rural

15 Improved DESE-LEA experience
Move from specialists to generalists across all federal grant programs Generalists have a caseload of districts that we follow for the life of the grant (from application review, approval, amendment, technical assistance to monitoring). RASP will reach back to content experts for more complex inquiries

16 Improved DESE-LEA experience
The RASP Team Simone Lynch Deb Walker Kathy Cross Margie Roberts Sue Mazzarella Ellie Rounds-Bloom Alex Lilley Aneesh Sahni Julia Foodman Sarah Carleton Beth O’Connell Matthew Deninger Russ Fleming

17 Improved DESE-LEA experience
RASP Contact Information Website: Hotline:

18 Director, Federal Grant Programs, DESE
Simone Lynch Simone Lynch Director, Federal Grant Programs, DESE

19 FY19 Federal entitlement grants
Consolidated ESSA Application (Titles I, IIA, III, IV) Developing our knowledge base Breakout sessions overview and logistics

20 1. Consolidated ESSA Application
ESSA compels us to: Consolidate the application process for Titles I, IIA, III, IV Include only what’s absolutely necessary, in order to reduce burden FY19 will feature a consolidated application Coherence across the Titles Flexing $$ between the Titles

21 1. Consolidated ESSA Application
Logistics Application will be ready to distribute shortly and before we know federal FY19 allocations You’ll be paired with a RASP liaison Applications will be due September 28th Once approved by RASP, LEAs will submit budgets into EdGrants.

22 FY18 & FY19 statewide allocations ($M)

23 2. Developing our knowledge base
Create a suite of 1-2 page Quick Reference Guides to support strategic, thoughtful, and appropriate implementation of federal grant programs. Resources for directors in the field to organize grants funds Resources for our ESE grant reviewers

24 2. Developing our knowledge base
Quick Reference Guides: allowable v. unallowable costs Title I, Part A – brand new! Title II, Part A – updated Title III, Part A – updated Title IV, Part A – brand new! IDEA main grant – brand new! IDEA Early Childhood grant – coming soon! Perkins Secondary – brand new! Perkins Postsecondary – brand new!

25 The Council of Administrators of Compensatory Education
A few words from CACE The Council of Administrators of Compensatory Education A Massachusetts organization of local Title I administrators

26 WiFi: may Password: may 3. Breakout overview
Slides ed to registrants prior 10:10-2:50 breakout sessions Salons A-E Princess Room 14 discrete sessions FY19 Grant application overviews (Title I, IIA, III, IV) Program-specific topics (Titles I, IIA, III, IV) Cross-cutting ESSA topics Working in EdGrants Certain sessions offered once 4 breakout sessions include district presenters WiFi: may Password: may

27 3. Schedule for the day – Enjoy!
Morning refreshments available 12:00-12:50: Lunch on your own Session 3 begins promptly at 1:00p WiFi: may; Password: may Please let us know what you thought about today’s conference! Online evaluation form available at:

28 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Questions Whenever you have a question, please pull a RASP member aside and ask us! Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

29 2018 Federal Grant Programs Conference
Thank You Thank you! 2018 Federal Grant Programs Conference May 30, 2018 WiFi: may Password: may

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