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Point 3.1 of the agenda From the pilot phase to the new LUCAS

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1 Point 3.1 of the agenda From the pilot phase to the new LUCAS
WORKING GROUP "Land Cover/Use Statistics" 20 October 2009,Luxembourg, LUCAS TEAM

2 Contents Background information User consultation
Change in perspectives New-LUCAS in a wider context

3 Background LUCAS pilot phase started in 2001 and ended 31.12.2007
Main users of LUCAS data: DG-ENV, DG-JRC, DG-ENTR, DG-REGIO, DG-AGRI, EEA LUCAS is the only available source of harmonized data on land cover/use in Europe, based on in-situ observations. The funding of the new-LUCAS surveys from 2008 onwards: 2008 PHARE: RO, BG 2009 ESTAT budget

4 Users’ consultation In early 2008 ESTAT organised a large consultation with the main users of the LUCAS data Stakeholders involved: EEA, DG JRC, DG ENV, DG AGRI, DG ENTR (GMES) and DG REGIO Aims: Identify and meet user requirements Enhance relevance of LUCAS data for analysis and monitoring purposes

5 Findings of consultation
Users support LUCAS experience of EU wide in situ data collection They use or plan to use LUCAS as in situ survey for: Ecosystems monitoring Agri-environmental issues Soil issues/Erosion risk Biodiversity Landscape CORINE Land Cover, Ground truth for GMES They suggested a number of improvements concerning: scope coverage timing

6 Suggested improvements:
scope All Land Cover/Use, and their changes over time Interactions between agriculture, environment and countryside West East North South Landscape picture Indicators of landscape diversity and heterogeneity Transect C01 B43 B75 02 62 15 B16 Broadleaved forest Other vegetables Other fruit trees Herb fringes Road Woodland margins Maize

7 Suggested improvements: Geographical coverage
EU 27 (+maybe the other EEA countries) Stable main sample allowing time series analysis + targeted sub-samples for specific topics Focus on areas with higher probability of change (identified in collaboration with users)

8 Suggested improvements: Timing
Synchronization/Coordination of LUCAS with CLC, GMES monitoring activities Continuity: three-year frequency for the survey on the main sample, (intermediate years could be devoted to specific topics)

9 Changes in perspective:
Enhancements in LUCAS 2009 Changes in perspective: Complete coverage Widened scope (from only crop statistical approach towards more agri-environmental issues) Sampling rates more balanced among strata More detailed nomenclature on artificial areas, forestry, water Panel approach (change matrix) New parameters on landscape diversity and heterogeneity Geographical detail (NUTS2) Multipurpose perspective Continuity of the survey

10 LUCAS in a wider context: users and links
Multipurpose platform Key customers: DG ENV DG JRC DG ENTR DG AGRI DG REGIO EEA INSPIRE Spatial Metadata Land use Data Centre Shared Environmental Information System GMES GEOLAND DG ENTR Technical support SOIL SAMPLE

11 Thank you!

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