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IDLE Hints To re-load a module after making changes:

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Presentation on theme: "IDLE Hints To re-load a module after making changes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IDLE Hints To re-load a module after making changes:

2 Useful Pylab savefig('filename.pdf')

3 Elements of Programming
CSMC 120: Visualizing Information 2/12/08

4 What’s in a Name?

5 Names are useful because...
Functions Modules Variables Identifiers Start with letter or underscore (“_”) Follow with any sequence of letters, digits, or underscores No spaces!  give name to values

6 A rose by any other name... Case-sensitive
rose rose2 ROSE rOSE RoSe R_O_S_e Rose Case-sensitive

7 Reserve Words Some identifiers are part of Python and del for is raise
assert elif from lambda return break else global not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def finally in print

8 Naming Values <VARIABLE> = <EXPRESSION> Variables
Designated using assignment statements x = 5 speed = 53.1 myFavoriteFood = 'curry' <VARIABLE> = <EXPRESSION>

9 Expressions >>> 7 >>> 5 + 2
Literal >>> 7 >>> 5 + 2 >>> 3.0 / 1.7 * 25 >>> mean(x) An expression is a Python command that returns a result when evaluated

10 Illuminating the Black Box

11 A peak inside the black box...
So, what exactly is a variable? a space saver a place to store an unknown (address) can be used many times >>> x = 4 4 5 x >>> x = x + 1

12 Storage Space or Sticky Note?
Hold address of memory location where value is stored Pointer >>> x = 4 x 4 >>> x = x + 1 x 4 5

13 Parameters Parameters are a type of variable
>>> time = [10, 20, 30, 40] >>> distance = [5, 17, 28, 35] >>> plot(time, distance) [10, 20, 30, 40] [10, 20, 30, 40] x time [5, 17, 28, 35] [5, 17, 28, 35] distance y

14 Scope Region of the program in which a name has meaning
>>> def plus(x, y): x = x + y print x >>> x = 5 >>> x = plus(x, 2) 7 >>> print x >>> def plus(x, y): x = x + y print x >>> x = 5 >>> plus(x, 2) 7 >>> print x 5

15 Values

16 Types Computers are “number crunchers”
A piece of information stored and manipulated by computer is a datum Different types of data are stored and manipulated in different ways e.g., 2, 3, 4  whole numbers (integers) e.g., 2.7, 3.8, 4.9  real numbers (floats) A data’s type determines: operations that can be used limits on size and storage of the value use of value

17 Int: The Integers Whole Numbers: i.e., no fractional part Use when:
1 50 11,234,139,514,510587,180,238,401 -75 Use when: Representing counts Value cannot be a fraction Require efficiency or precision Finite Range

18 The Limits of Int = Data stored in binary representation
24 / 2 = 8 Range = -8 to 7 1000 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Data stored in binary representation 1 1 = 3 0 1 1 = 3 = 3 Number of bits used depends on computers 32 bits  232 possible integer values centered at 0, positive and negative 232/2 = 231 integers from -231 to With 32 bits: 2,147,483,647 =

19 Long Ints >>> x = 4L Not fixed in size
Expands to accommodate value Limit is amount of memory in computer Ints that grow too large to be represented with 32 bits are automatically converted to long ints Less efficient >>> x = 4L

20 Floats Any literal that has a decimal point:
1.1 -1.0 573, 1. Stores an approximation to real numbers limit to precision limit to accuracy

21 Useful Python type(<VALUE>) or type(<VARIABLE>)
>>> type(100L) <type 'long int'> >>> type(2.4) <type 'float‘>

22 Playing with Numbers +, -, *, / are operators %: mod (remainder)
6 / 4 = 1 6 % 4 = 2 **: exponention 2**3 = 8 Operations performed on floats  floats Operations performed on ints  ints 6.0 / 4.0 = 1.5

23 Type Conversion 231 + 1  converts int to long int
x = 5.0 / 2  mixed type expression Python adds .0 to 2 Explicit type conversion e.g., calculating an average of a set of integers: average = sum / n average = float(sum) / n average = float(sum / n) int(<VALUE>) long(<VALUE>)

24 Booleans Used for logical expressions 2 values: hold(1) hold(True)
True or False hold(1) hold(True)

25 Strings Text Sequence of characters Deliminated by single quotes
'my text'

26 Python Power: Creating Your Own Types

27 A Point Defined by two pieces of data: x and y
(x2,y2) (x,y) def color(x, y, c): def label(x, y, l): def move(x, y, a, b): (x1,y1) Defined by two pieces of data: x and y Methods: color, label, move

28 Object Oriented Programming
A Point x y color(c): label(l): move(a, b): p Point p3 Object p Object Oriented Programming p2 Defined by two pieces of data: x and y Methods: color, label, move

29 Object Oriented Programming
Traditional Programming Data are passive Manipulated and combined via active operations Objects are active types that combine data and operations know stuff do stuff

30 Classes Our point is an example of a class
a construct used to define objects abstractions A value whose type is an object is an instance of the class that defines the object

31 Python Demystified plot(x,y) is an expression
>>> 5 + 2 7 When an expression is evaluated and not assigned, Python outputs the result of the expression to the screen >>> plot(Year, AnyDrug) [<matplotlib.lines.2D instance at 0x01A0A788>] plot(x,y) is an expression The result it returns is a pointer to an object Python has created the defining elements of a figure and stored it at a specific address in memory >>> myplot = plot(Year, AnyDrug)

32 Useful Pylab >>> myplot = plot(Year, AnyDrug)
>>> setp(myplot, linestyle = '--') >>> x = xlabel('Year') >>> setp(x, color = 'r')

33 Lines.2D An object defining a two-dimensional line plot Data
Dimensions Line Style Marker Style Values being plotted Labels Axes Scales Background Format Operations Sizing Zooming Labeling Coloring Displaying Scaling Copying

34 Using Classes <OBJECT>.<METHOD>(<PARAMETERS>)
To perform an operation on an object, we send the object a message Messages to which the object responds are its methods A method is invoked using dot-notation: <OBJECT>.<METHOD>(<PARAMETERS>) >>> p.move(a,b)

35 Create an Instance of an Object
Useful Pylab Create an Instance of an Object >>> fig = figure(1) >>> fig.set_facecolor('g‘)

36 Useful Pylab figure(<#>): create a figure
>>> fig2 = figure(2) >>> fig2.savefig('fig2.pdf') figure(<#>): create a figure .savefig(<FILENAME>) .set_facecolor(<COLOR>) .set_edgecolor(<COLOR>) .set_frameon(<BOOLEAN>) .set_figheight(<#>) .set_figwidth(<#>) .hold(<BOOLEAN>)

37 Useful Pylab >>> y = ylabel('fig2.pdf')
>>> y.set(color = 'r')

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