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2 Thessalonians week 4.

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1 2 Thessalonians week 4


3 Date Lesson Feb 11 1:1-2: Greeting Feb 18 1:3-12: God’s Final Judgment and Glory Feb 25 2:1-12: The Great Apostasy Mar 4 2:13-17: Stand Fast Mar 11 3:1-5: Pray for Us Mar 18 3:6-15: Warning Against Idleness Mar 25 3:16-18: Benediction

4 Greek tenses Present: right-now continuous
Aorist: occurrence without regard for the amount of time taken to finish the action Imperfect: action continually or repeatedly happening in past time Perfect: completed action with the results continuing Future: anticipated action

5 Greek moods Indicative: statement of fact Imperative: a command
Subjunctive: probability or possibility Optative: less possible than subjunctive Participle: verbal adjective (can add –ing) Infinitive: verbal noun (“to” plus the word)



8 Table prayer time See the “Weekly Update” at your table
Review and update prior requests Write down new requests Lean in, engage, and pray as a table Clean up and move to the auditorium

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