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Energy Content of Foods

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1 Energy Content of Foods
By Science Student

2 Cp = specific heat capacity ( 4.18 J/gC for water)
H=▲t·m·Cp Where H = heat energy absorbed (in J), ▲t = change in temperature (C), m = mass (in g), Cp = specific heat capacity ( 4.18 J/gC for water) Dividing the resulting energy value by grams of food burned gives the energy content (in J/g)


4 Experimental Design Hypothesis: If the brand of food changes, the heat energy will also change. I.V. Brand of Food McDonald’s Fries Burgers Culver’s Fries Burgers Hardee’s Fries Burgers Levels Trials 5 5 5 D.V. Heat Energy (J/g) Constants: (1) mass of food sample (1gram) (2) amount of water heated (3) same can set up (4) distance of burning food from can

5 Culver’s McDonald’s Hardee’s

6 Procedures Arrange can set-up Set-up graphing calculator
Start burning food Record data

7 Results

8 Findings It is obvious that all three fast food restaurants have a lot of heat energy in their food. Overall, the burgers gave off the most heat energy. I also found that Culver’s burgers have the most heat energy contained within it. I also discovered that Hardee’s fries have the most heat energy out of the fries.

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