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Task 29: Text-based dissemination: how to engage professionals

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Presentation on theme: "Task 29: Text-based dissemination: how to engage professionals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task 29: Text-based dissemination: how to engage professionals
Erik Mosselman & Frans Klijn 29 September 2008

2 Approach Task 29 Guidance
1 concise volume, easily accessible, attractive looks covering all relevant issues (coherence, relationships), demonstrate INTEGRATION not too deep  AN INTRODUCTION and GUIDANCE; advertising FLOODsite; reference to task exe.summ’s and report 29 september 2008 Task 29 launch

3 Title related to EU directive
Flood risk assessment and flood risk management An introduction and guidance based on experiences and findings of FLOODsite (an EU-funded Integrated Project) 29 september 2008 Task 29 launch

4 Contents and form 5 Chapters
Flood risk management, what are we talking about? On flood risk assessment: how big is the risk? Management measures and policy instrumements: how to reduce flood risk? FRM for the future: how should one decide what to do? On remaining risks: what if a flood does occur? Figures Text boxes FLOODsite Key Scientific results (10 exx) CD in the back 29 september 2008 Task 29 launch

5 29 september 2008 Task 29 launch

6 29 september 2008 Task 29 launch

7 Dilemmas/ discussion issues
Dissemination is sowing: prepare and care for the ground (soil fertility) Related: professionals are browsers (internet, conferences etc.) Guideline: is there a need and what should be in? The main message? Marketing on ideas/ content in an overload of information (modern society) We don’t offer a solution to a real-life problem just methodology (FLOODsite) How to attract attention? 29 september 2008 Task 29 launch

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