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Chapter 10 Lesson 3 Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

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1 Chapter 10 Lesson 3 Matter and Energy in Ecosystems
Ms. Amanda and Ms. Diana

2 Matter and Energy Matter can change form but it cannot be created or destroyed. Matter can be recycled through ecosystems as organisms grow, die, and decompose. Energy cannot be recycled, but it can be converted (changed) into another form of energy.

3 Obtaining Energy All organisms need a constant supply of energy to maintain life. Producers – organisms that use an outside energy source, such as the Sun, and produce their own food.

4 Consumers Consumers – organisms that cannot make their own food. They obtain food by eating producers or other consumers. Types of Consumers: Herbivores – eat only plants and other producers. Snails, rabbits, deer, bees Carnivores – eat herbivores and other consumers. Cats, snakes, spiders, frogs, hawks Omnivores – eat producers and consumers. Bears, rats, humans, birds Decomposers – break down dead organisms Bacteria, worms, fungi

5 Transferring Energy Energy can be converted to one form to another and it can be transferred from one form to another. The transfer of energy takes place when one organism eats another. Food chain – a model that shows how energy flows in an ecosystem through feeding relationships. Example: Grass is eaten by a Mouse. The energy in grass is transferred to the mouse. The mouse is eaten by a Cat, the energy in the mouse is now transferred to the Cat.

6 Transferring of Energy
Food Web – a model of energy transfer that can show how the food chains in a community are interconnected.

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